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you don;t need all that if you're prepared to ride hard enough to raise a sweat, a gillet and some layers will do you, a full top is almost always too warm
but good gloves for winter and some overshoes are nice, although overshoes presumes you're using clipless pedals
decent lights for winter, a buff is a good buy, one is enough ffs, someone doesn;t know how to wear one if they need two
pump and puncture repair kit and perhaps a multitool, all cheap enough barring perhaps the gillet and the gloves
you don;t actually need anyting beyond pump and repair kit, you appreciate things more doing without them for starters
That may be the case in London, but up here in the chilly north a full top is not warm enough. I think my record commute temperature was -10 and in those temps I tend to wear:
Merino Base layer
Long sleeved top
Windproof jacket
Windproof gloves
Liner gloves
Polar Buff as a tube to cover the gap between the top of the jacket and my neck
Buff as a hat
Bib tights
Averaging 16mph I am still cold some nights and have in fact suffered icing on one memorable day but don't carry a pump or puncture kit (SMP's no punctures since 2008)