Be careful/sensible out there folks
That's the intended message really. As we know, there are 3 major crime ingredients: motive, means and opportunity. We can take the first two for granted, that leaves the opportunity. I would advise commuters to review their routes by asking themselves questions like:
* Does the given route feature any particularly opportune assault spots or not?
* What would I do if I got attacked in this spot?
The problem is that few people really bother to think through such questions, particularly in absence of any glaring/official warning signs or other major hints, and given reassuring, even if occasional, presence of some other cyclists on the route. I know I didn't! After all, if TfL endorses/maintains a route, it must be well policed and safe!
Edit: OTOH not sure, how to be careful and sensible w.r.t. to potentially getting creamed by a HGV or suffering a hit-and-run, other than just avoiding the roads altogether. Any tips other than reflective clothing and good lights?
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