90 mins in the hot cupboards wasn't detrimental in my experience. The cupborads are at 90[sup]o[/sup]C and the fat drains off, so we actually preferred the pieces of chicken that had been held for a while as they were less greasy.
The shift manager is supposed to record all food cooked and disposed of with the times that this was done. Unfortunately I have heard of too many cases of falsification of those forms for me to trust them. There are also unannounced inspections 4 times a year, but again if you were inspected early on in that quarter then you knew there was little/no chance of being inspected again until the next quarter.
Another one I can remember is that fries get 5 mins, so if they aren't put in the hopper after you order then they are almost always going to be out of time.
It sounds strange in a junk food establishment, but as a cook I was proud of providing the stuff with as high a quality as possible so I would have been very unhappy if that had happened where I was working. We were in a busy retail park though so there wasn't much chance of it.
{disclaimer} I stopped working for them in 2005 so I may well be out of date {/disclaimer}