You've missed the point (unsurpisingly not). You don't burn carbs you burn glucose which is obtained from metabolising the carbs. If you are not eating carbs in your diet (keto diet) then there is a turnover of glucose from the glycogen in the muscles but all your energy is from ketones and fat burning. So instead of having to load with carbs to prevent the bonk after around 2 hours or so you can keep going without refueling.
You might want to read this.
I do know the difference between carbs and their metabolites thank you
That’s not what I said at all, and I think you know it, I said you can use the stores more efficiently, not that they won’t run out. Either that’s poor quality trolling, or you really don’t know, either way have another.
Just so you know, here’s a little snippet of actual info and data for you, just to show you how wrong you are there and educate you.
Have you ever ridden anywhere for longer than 2 hours let alone raced over 50 miles. Please I would like to know.
No, not me, never
You might want to check who you’re ( mistakenly ) trying to call out in future, and wind your neck in a bit.
I did have another study linked as well, which showed with actual scientific data how the rates of depletion of your glycogen stores vary with varying power and cadence, the reasons why, and the effects of different strategies on fuelling and feeding, but it’s been deleted from my files, which is irritating. But essentially if you pedal at high Cadence, and high power, your stores are used more efficiently, than if you opt for lower cadence high power, and the oxygen demand is also less at high power high cadence because less actual muscle cells are being used.