Considering how much money it cost, and the delays and misery the work has caused, I am unimpressed by the whole thing around Kennington and Oval, in parts its a bloody mess. Apologies for the rant I just have to get this off my chest, I live in the area so can't avoid the changes. I hope someone at TFL and LCC at least reads this.
Cycling from Oval to Vauxhall is definitely better than it was, but it appears the planners popped into the Royal Vauxhall Tavern (RVT) for 8 pints each as what happens immediately in the crossing over towards MI6 is some comedic zig zagging that actually made me laugh out loud riding it for the first time. What the hell is that all about?
Coming the other way from MI6 towards Oval, I really don't like the bit right outside RVT where the cyclist are funnelled through a narrow gap between 2 concrete posts that is totally blind. There used to be one of those mirrors there before when it was wider so it was a known blind spot, but now the blind spot is even bigger but there's no mirrors. I would actually prefer to cycle in the 4/5 lines of traffic than do this section. Also bearing in mind the RVT is a busy pub and often has revellers outside, there is going to be accidents here for sure. They used to have a temporary urinal right by this point too, dont know if this is being allowed to continue but if so it wont be long before a cyclist crashes into a member of the village people here who just popped out for a piss.
Also just after this point you cross the road, but rather than continuing up towards Oval you want to continue up the marked cycle path towards South Lambeth Road, you have to cut across cyclists coming the other way and do a sharp turn of about 120 degrees avoiding a lamp post. This is very badly done as in practice it just means that cyclists dont bother doing the sharp turn and instead just cycle on the pedestrian bit and come back round in a shallower curve to rejoin the cycle path, so in fact this section actually introduces conflict between cyclists and pedestrians

. Honestly have these clowns even thought to cycle it and see what they've made?
Back up to the Oval bit, and on the northbound CS7 just past Oval junction we have the new feature, Oval pond. The surface is really uneven and weeks ago when this opened my first impression was, 'when are they going to come and finish it'? Nobody came back. After even the tiniest shower the entire cycle lane turns into a huge pond, there is no drainage whatsoever. Really? In this country, where its kind of world famous for raining, a lot. And we've had the good weather bit of the year, god knows how grim this is going to be for the next 4 months

. I don't mind cycling through the odd puddle, but I'd rather not, and this is about 6ft by 6ft in size I've actually stood and watched this section, and in practice yet again this poor design is just creating more danger. TFL and LCC, after the next bit of rain go and sit by this junction for a day and observe. You will see that cyclists are swerving the puddle, back out into the traffic on the right, and due to us being segregated by the kerb you cannot simply go round the puddle, you have to cycle 50 yards in the road before you can rejoin the cycle path, exposed to the 'dangerous' traffic the whole time. The other alternative is cyclists swerve left onto the pavement again introducing conflict with pedestrians, way to go designers
Coming from Kennington towards Oval is not clear either, just past Kennington Road junction there is a newly opened cycle lane on the left but absolutely no signs or roadmarking indicating its a cycle lane, I genuinely thought it was pavement the first time and I missed it completely, and as above was again stuck in traffic at being found the wrong side of the kerb being forced and kept in a danger zone, cheers for that. Are they really not going to have any signs or roadmarkings indicating cycle lane approaching or some arrows, or even some blue paint so its clear? Its just smacks of being a half arsed effort yet again.
Ride 100 yards up to Oval and we have another section of kerbed-in-ness with a traffic light. Now at least this is better than before as the cyclists and cars are on different lights phasing so the cars going up Brixton road can't veer left across you path. But again it seems the planners did'nt seem to get of grasp of what they are trying to achieve, as in practice conflict is being introduced again. The 1st time I came to these lights due to the high volume of traffic the cars were totally backed up from Brixton Road and totally blocking the exit to the kerb in cycle lane

. There is no yellow boxes/grids warning cars of not stopping and blocking this section where the cycle lane crosses the road. So you are trapped in, You either wait there trapped and miss the light phasing and forced to repeat the same cycle again. Or you are forced to try and climb out of the kerbed in bit to try and pick you way between the bumpers of the nose to tail cars and try and rejoin the other side, honestly it is a joke. I thought maybe I was unlucky this first time, but I did it every day last week and 4 out of 5 days the exact same thing happened, that is just rubbish and frankly piss poor design again. I honestly can't decide whether its just inept, or are they trying to put us in more danger on purpose and TFL are just massively trolling us
And then of course you cross the road and have another one of these behind the bus stop routes like they do on the Stratford CS. I hated these the first time I saw them and ranted and raved at the time. I know the Stratford one has been open for ages and I don't know if there has been any accidents, if not then maybe they are not as bad as they seem and if there has been no conflict, fair enough I'll accept my fist impressions were wrong. Anyone know of any reported cyclist/ped incidents at these points on the Stratford route?
Anyway the problem with this bit at Oval is it so narrow. The cycle path in the run up to the crossing is enough for cyclists to pass each other, going through the lights though and its bottle-necked down to a very narrow lane, so narrow I wonder if anyone riding one of the new breed of wide barred mountain bikes can even get through this section. I'm no planning and traffic flow super-guru but I'm fairly sure introducing bottlenecks at points like this is not a good idea, the most annoying thing is there is plenty of space, they are not forced into it by buildings or anything, it could easily have been wider. Just why?
My final gripe is about light phasings. If TFL were serious about encouraging people out of their cars and onto bikes, they should be giving cyclists priority. Car drivers should visibly see the cyclists are getting the fast track treatment, then they will some of that action. Some of the light phasings clearly indicate to me cyclists are 2nd class road users. Coming from Victoria up Vauxhall Bridge Road towards Vauxhall, before the bridge on the new lane there is a set of lights as you approach the junction with John Islip St. I had to wait so long at this set of light recently I needed to step off my bike and as I needed another shave. Honestly, WTF? So now when I come to this section I ride in the cycle lane, then at the lights hop into the main traffic flow, through the lights an then rejoin the cycle lane. This is much more risky but is the 'obvious' thing that many cyclist will do in the real world, encouraged by poor design and again this seems to be introducing conflict when before there was none, which I think could be the motto for the whole damn scheme, oh the irony

. I'm sure TFL and LCC look at actual real human behaviour in these situations, so they must be ignoring it then? Drivers rage and seethe at cyclists getting ahead of them and moan more about RLJ'ing than anything. Give us all the green lights, if they cant beat us, a lot will join us.......if the infrastructure was'nt so badly designed.
I should point out I'm not some cycling anarchic renegade (mores the pity maybe) . I'm in my 40's, I stop at red lights. I am an experienced and confident cyclist so appreciate much of the segregation debate is not aimed at the likes of me, but if its not clear to me how is it going to be any clearer to a novice? I live in this area so want it improved for cycling, and it is indeed personal now. I completed numerous questionairres and responded to the consultations before the work started, have endured the traffic chaos for months and months caused by the works, which cyclists still get the blame for as aparently its all for us

Its cost millions and really if is this the best they can manage, sorry to sound so negative but from me its an overall

....but I was trying to be constructive, it just seems no one is listening. Rant over, and breathe......