Well my weight is dropping and so are my fast times on my commute - I guess that is pretty logical but then again being lucky with traffic lights helps! It must be having some effect though because my swimming time for 1500 metres has dropped by about 3 minutes. This week's reflection is what percentage of road users have really good/bad manners - I have noticed that probably 95% of taxi, motorcycle, car and lorry drivers are pretty well mannered, a slightly lower % of bus drivers. Cyclists? Not much different really although it is galling to be at a junction waiting for a red light and someone comes past and weaves through the traffic irritating everyone then goes so slowly that you need to overtake and then the drama is repeated at the next junction.
Still holding off on my cycling clothing but browsing the very cheap Sport Direct website. Advice on what is good to wear for reflection/being seen that is not a complete fashion disaster gratefully received - my Sam Brown belt is definitely a fashion disaster (I look like a bald Boris Johnson!) and I'd like a substitute!