Nice to see the Specialissima getting some appreciation. It is a touch pricey, but if you can slum it with Durace, you can get them for as little as £7500. The full works Campagnolo sends them over the £10000 mark.
It is, very probably, the very best bike you can buy. It is bound to be expensive. It is the law of diminishing returns, and you get the same with cameras and the like. Chap on our club run today upgraded from a BSO " mountain bike" (well named - it weighed about as much as Snowdon) to a £250 alloy road bike. 8 speed, nicely set up for him by a good LBS. Great. He had a lovely ride with us today and is thrilled. He can get a twice as good bike for £500. One a bit better for £1000. A little better still for £2000. And so on ad Infinito. (that's a Bianchi too.)
We live in a world where the best is expensive. Be glad.
While I am here, a couple more points on the subject of Bianchis. the Specialissima shares its Countervail weave with the Infinito CV. It works. Superbly. It is fast and smooth. Sep Vanmarcke rode one (a CV Infinito) to 4th place in Paris Roubaix last week. I rode mine today. On Shropshire roads. For sports riding it is the best you can buy.
You can have the Specialissima in any colour you want. One woman in our club has a pink one! They are a lot of money for a bike, sure, but if you have the money why not?