Just joined the roadie cult

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I am Spartacus

Über Member
N Staffs
If I pass a roadie whilst using my partners Giant Arete with HUMONGOUS Kenda tyres ( wimmins specific but I aint proud).. will anything horrible happen to me?


Senior Member
I am Spartacus said:
If I pass a roadie whilst using my partners Giant Arete with HUMONGOUS Kenda tyres ( wimmins specific but I aint proud).. will anything horrible happen to me?

That's why, as a roadie I recommend Joo Janta 2000 peril sensitive sunglasses for all conditions. They turn black at the first hint of impending humiliation, meaning I can stay calm and look composed ,whilst giving out that "I am only out on a recovery ride, but next time..." aura.:angry:

And isn't tyre width proportional to waist girth? :smile:

I am Spartacus

Über Member
N Staffs
Mac66 said:
And isn't tyre width proportional to waist girth? :smile:



Well-Known Member
mr Mag00 said:
coco is that true? i may still be a virgin then?! :smile:

I think so. The fall isn't going to hurt that much. Its the humiliation of keeling over in front of people for no apparent reason that hurts most.


New Member
South Norfolk
Wow.. as a new cycling convert I had no idea there was so much tension between roadies and mountain bikers....

I think I will just get back on my vintage Triumph and pedal away as fast as I can with my tongue firmly in my cheek. :biggrin:
I was returning from a ride last Sunday on my road bike. I came through a small town,and there was a group of 15 or so roadies just preparing to set off in the opposite direction. I hailed them a hearty good morning and was greeted with stony silence by every feckin' one of 'em. The only guy I could see smiling and waving was myself reflected in one of the flash git's sun glasses.

I think it's fairly fair to say that I don't enjoy cycling for the camaraderie. At least not on my road bike anyhows. :biggrin:


Wow, back on page one I posted the throw away "one more of us, one less of them" and look what happened! This must be the first time I've managed to pull a pin out of such a good grenade, thanks chaps. :biggrin:

Personally I don't have anything againt MTBers, but I do note that MTBers measure themselves by how fast they come down hills, whilst us roadies measure ourselves by how fast we go up hills. :smile::biggrin::smile:


I did a 3 hour ride last Sunday, on a road bike. I passed dozens (going the other way, no scalping for me!) and the only person who replied to my greeting was some "old dear" on a sit-up'n'beg. :biggrin:

Not that I cut much of a dash, with my flouro jacket I look more like an oversized grapefruit on a bike, but the snobbery reminded me of Harley riders. :smile:


Senior Member
As a roadie user who lives in the south (and more specificly, London) i rarely encounter fellow roadies and MTBers on my routes out into Essex not return a nod or a hello when we pass. If we're going in the same direction i often find the pace steps up and draft one another for a while. Even been known to abandon my route and tag a long with new fellow rider for several miles.
Its all good at the end of the day


New Member
Really don't think it's a regional thing, I'm from the south and come across a mixture, the majority wave, the same up in Liverpool.
It's not really an important thing though is it, people don't have to acknowledge people, just their choice ;)
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