In my home town drivers are in the main decent/considerate, it is the (very) occasional one that blasts onto a roundabout forcing me (on the roundabout) to hit the brakes that I mostly have a problem with. In general, the behaviour of the public has deteriorated and the pandemic and its social isolation lockdowns are likely at least partly to blame, along with individualism, the desire to turn the UK into an eastern Atlantic state of American, the dehumanisation effect of social media and exposure to increasingly polarising politics. It is not just driving it is almost everywhere. Gobs*ites using mobiles on speaker on trains or blasting out a movie at full volume, gormless f**kwits walking five abreast at a quarter of my normal walking pace, bloody dog walkers who's mission in life is to consume as much space as possible, or stand outside my house blabbering on when I am having a work meeting and their dogs are barking at each other, setting off the dog next door, smart-phone-dumb-users who can't use a phone and walk through a doorway simultaneously, dog walkers again who think hanging their bag of dog turds on a tree/shrub at eye level is perfectly reasonable. People who stand passively in a checkout queue and only start the rummage through the bag and pockets for their credit card AFTER being asked for it by the cashier (why not take a small amount of time to have it ready whilst you are waiting in the queue, THINK FFS), people fawn over and vote for those who spout populist fiddle instead of those who have a clue (Jeremy Clarkson and Brexit for example). It is pretty bad the way society has deteriorated in parallel with the public services and if we don't collectively get a grip, I can see people starting to take matters into their own hands and inflict their own version of retribution on antagonistic individuals.