Just been to the optician

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Über Member
I have a slight astigmatism in my left eye, its amazing what they can pick up these days. I remember having my eyes tested as a kid and much later in 2001, the testing equipment has moved on lots. I have always been told that my eyes were OK, until now.

I'm glad that I now know what causes my headaches. ;) I have decided not to get spectacles, yet but wait for another year or two to get another eye test, saving me a lot of money. :smile:


New Member
Err... if you've been told you require specs, you really should get them.


Married to Night Train
Salford, UK
I think Waffles might be right.. Unless the optician has told you it's ok for the moment, of course. As long as you're not dosing yourself with pills to cure the headaches in the meantime.

But think, what would Riley have said?

(Please note, I'm the worst person in the world for acting on other people's advice, so you are allowed to ignore me...:smile:)


Jaffa Cake monster
Manchester, UK
Do you like to take it up the ...

Oh sorry, I thought you knew you were in the S&M Fetish website, what with all this talk of riding hard and bonking...



Über Member
I think Riley would agree with the optician, who said I have a prescription but usually he doesn't recommend glasses for a slight fault with the cornea, something that has not been picked up before in previous test.

Looking at a few articles on the Internet, its present from birth, so I have managed to cope with it so far. As for the headaches, I usually go to bed and sleep until they go away.

Graham O

New Member
Well I've finally got fed up with seeing things either close up or far away,(i.e. different glasses) so have just visited the optician for some varifocals. I am now £350 poorer. ;) I hope they work or I'm going to be very :tongue:


Married to Night Train
Salford, UK
Gromit said:
I think Riley would agree with the optician, who said I have a prescription but usually he doesn't recommend glasses for a slight fault with the cornea, something that has not been picked up before in previous test.

Looking at a few articles on the Internet, its present from birth, so I have managed to cope with it so far. As for the headaches, I usually go to bed and sleep until they go away.

Ah, well, that's alright then... I did assume you were acting on the Ops advice, rather than just being willfully stingy...:tongue: That's the sort of thing I'd do...

My Mum was virtually blind in one eye from birth and never thought it was odd, until she had an eye test at school at about 5 and was asked to cover one eye, then the other. She assumed you had one eye to see with, and one to balance it out on your face...


Married to Night Train
Salford, UK
redjedi said:
If you've had the eye test, ask your optician for a copy of the prescription and then go to


You can get a pair from £15 inc lenses. They won't be anything special, but worth having around just in case.

Yeah, like just in case you need to look intellectual (er, I should say more intellectual:blush:), or disguise yourself to stop the Russian spies guessing who your are. That always worked for James Bond...:tongue:


Senior Member
Graham O said:
Well I've finally got fed up with seeing things either close up or far away,(i.e. different glasses) so have just visited the optician for some varifocals. I am now £350 poorer. :biggrin: I hope they work or I'm going to be very :tongue:

Varifocals certainly save carrying glasses for all occasions though I never really got on with them for computer work or for certain jobs around the house primarily those that involving small DIY jobs such as standing with your head upside down to fix things (on the bike). After about 6 years I have got fed up with them and have been zapped with the laser - ;):biggrin::biggrin::biggrin::biggrin::biggrin::biggrin::biggrin::biggrin::biggrin::biggrin::biggrin::biggrin: yep I'm very pleased now glasses free.

Yellow Fang

Legendary Member
I became short-sighted when I was about 22. I blame those blurry green computer screens. I was quite upset about that as I was the only one in my family who didn't need them. I used to wear glasses some of the time, but most the time I didn't bother. I considered getting my eyes zapped, but didn't want to risk it. Several years ago I went to the opticians to get a new prescription. She changed the lenses again and again and asked me to read the letters on the board. Then she took the lenses out, and I could still read them. :biggrin:
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