I was riding a Yamaha XJ900 to work for a night shift in Swindon, and was pulled by two coppers in a car who said I was going too fast. Naturally, I argued with them saying I was within the limit.
The older Sgt explained the younger would give me a lecture about road safety and asked what I did for a job. I told him I was a nurse going to work a night shift in A+E. This prompted 10 minutes of 'you should know about the dangers of speeding blah blah' from the Sgt, I must have looked bored because they started going over the bike and when I pointed out I would be late was told by the Sgt that sometimes people just have to wait and some things are more important. That paperwork and proper questioning was vital for policing and being a nurse did not get me a get out of jail free card and that if anyone was left waiting it would be my fault for not co-operating.
About 5 hours later, now in full A+E mode, I was asked to triage a police Sgt from the pair in reception because he had carelessly shut his hand in the door of a police car............ I made him wait over an hour before my assessment was done, carefully doing all the paperwork really slowly, making him answer every possible question I could think of before giving him a lecture on how rushing can be dangerous, and ultimately end up wasting NHS time on minor, self-inflicted, injuries brought about by carelessness, and that I was sure he would feel dreadful if people were now left waiting because of his own personal carelessness.
It was delicious.*
*Yes, and massively unprofessional and pointless, but it made me feel a lot better