Nicensleazy said:
So is this a picture of the bike you bought or not? Looks unused, the tyres also look like they've never seen tarmac.
Nicensleazy said:
Nicensleazy said:No, this is not the bike I have, this is a picture of a De Rosa Idol in red, I thought that was explained some posts ago. Anyhow, he's not long owned it, so its not far off!
yello said:
Nicensleazy said:Ben, I think you could be right on the Tart front about him. It was funny, I did try and talk him round about the De Rosa and urged him to keep it. But, his mind was set. So I bought it. I think he's picking up a Colnago during the week.
amrushton said:At least he's consistent in liking Far East bikes dressed up as Italian bikes - probably better than what De Rosa/Colnago would do on their own.