I know, it is, as you say, somewhat miind boggling.
Some might opine that it's down to a degree of what could be termed 'internalised misogyny'
That is, the belief that women, including themselves even, are only due as much respect as society itself chooses to bestow upon them, for sticking to 'the rules'.
That this 'respect' is only earned through given markers, traditionally alotted by patriachal norms.
Ie chastity, and modesty, combined also with fecundity, (soccer mom culture) appropriate levels of attractiveness, and general devotion to servicing the needs, and desires of that patriachal society.
Anyone stepping outside of that, is seen as some kind of mad, or bad, or transgressive woman, threatening to the 'contract'
She will gets what she 'deserves' and only has herself to blame for the consequences, of stepping outside 'the boundaries' .
We as women, are messaged from birth, to comply with this narrow set of 'acceptable' parameters, and behaviours, or face disapproval, or worse.
Overriding all that takes no small degree of effort - I can assure you
Having said that, figures are showng a slide away from women supporting Trump.
Sure some will still be 'true believers' in some weird twisted fashion.
And maybe others will vote as their menfolk darn well tell them to -
-or maybe
not once in the voting booth -
-here's hoping.
Johnson btw has made many many remarks pertaining to his disrespectful attitude towards women - quite besides his domestic record - a quick shimmy over to that thread >>> would reveal as much

I'm afraid I have to get back to the kitchen now