Jamie Oliver

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Tim Bennet.

Entirely Average Member
S of Kendal
Quite. I think he's actually bothers about the way the vast majority of people in this country don't care what they eat. He's using the opportunities he has on TV because of his 'celebrity' status to get his message out to the greatest number of people.

It might me a 'King Canute' effort against a tidal wave of indifference, but it beats just moaning about things on an internet forum.

Like wot we do.


[quote name='swee'pea99']As to Jamie being a twat, I couldn't disagree more. I think he genuinely cares about the fact that we as a nation are eating our way (and arguably even more to the point, raising our kids to eat their way) to a lifetime of illhealth and an early grave, and is trying to do something about it.

It's uphill work, because so many people are thick as pig shoot, forgive my French, and lazy toboot. Which has helped a highly profitable industry be built on encouraging their addiction to cheap-but-tasty (and high 'value-add') combinations of the food manufacturers' holy trinity of fat, salt and sugar (with just a seasoning of monosodium glutamate).

For the first time in history, children have a lower life expectancy than their parents - not on account of poverty, but of excess. And Only One Man Is Trying To Do Diddly shoot About It. Millionaire or no, he's more of a working class hero than John 'freezer full of fur coats' Lennon ever was, so do keep your sneers for more deserving targets. Innit.[/quote]
YES xx( +10 ! - though it is a pity he seems to think that bad language is necessary/ macho/ gets the point across better. Maybe he really is SERIOUSLY fed up with the failure of parents to teach their children any of the basics of healthy eating. Schools now have to do so much of this stuff now, it puts real pressure onto the basic curriculum.


Tim Bennet. said:
Quite. I think he's actually bothers about the way the vast majority of people in this country don't care what they eat. He's using the opportunities he has on TV because of his 'celebrity' status to get his message out to the greatest number of people.

It might me a 'King Canute' effort against a tidal wave of indifference, but it beats just moaning about things on an internet forum.

Like wot we do.
Maybe we should send him an email encouraging him xx(

Andy in Sig

Vice President in Exile
Every now and then a "celebrity" comes along who I would quite like to knock to the ground and jump up and down on his face while wearing hobnail boots. For years Tony Blackburn then Elton John held that slot but in this century so far it has been Jamie Oliver.


Andy in Sig said:
Every now and then a "celebrity" comes along who I would quite like to knock to the ground and jump up and down on his face while wearing hobnail boots. For years Tony Blackburn then Elton John held that slot but in this century so far it has been Jamie Oliver.
But at least he is using his "celebrity" to do something useful. He's 'putting something back into the system', which is more than can be said of many "celebrities".


I think he has changed a lot from his first incarnation to his current 'crusader' role. In the beginning he did put on a highly annoying barrow boy cheeky chappy act that grated immensely (and annoyed me, certainly!) but I think he got bored with the whole celebrity chef thing after a while and looked for something to do that would help people out. The result is his attempt to change the nations eating habits and also his "15" restaurants. Even if you look upon his efforts with a caustic eye you got to ask yourself 'what harm is he doing?' - at the very worst he isn't making that much of a positive difference but the potential to improve peoples lives is there and he's going for it. Good on him.


Elton John, sure - and as for Tony Blackburn, spawn of beelzebub, goes without saying...but what exactly has got your dander up about Jamie?


Legendary Member
scoosh said:
But at least he is using his "celebrity" to do something useful. He's 'putting something back into the system', which is more than can be said of many "celebrities".
Totally agree.

While I would question whether his approach is the best way to change eating habits in the long term, he is doing a great job of showing just what an issue it is.

And, whatever you think of him as a person, you have to acknowledge that he pretty much single handedly changed Government policy on school dinners.


New Member
Good luck to him for trying but he is a bit of kn*b. Thankfully Hugh FW, who is one potato short of a full pound but certainly entertaining, is back


swee said:
Actually I was referring to the the cursing. But yes, it probably is hegemonistic and I make no excuses for it. Swearing in public is unnecessary and lazy. Definitely it's cultural. Your point?
Is this a uniquely English phenomenon? We cannot bear to see anyone being successful can we? Witness the bitterness and resentment being spewed on the subject of Lewis Hamilton's success. We should save our ire for more deserving characters, true wastes of space and talentless fcuks like Peaches Geldoff and that long sleeved daffodil off of changing rooms.

Tim Bennet.

Entirely Average Member
S of Kendal
There's more than a little whiff of the old class snobbery about some of this:
Essex lad dun better than me? - Sod that, lets rubbish him!


ChrisKH said:
Actually I was referring to the the cursing. But yes, it probably is hegemonistic and I make no excuses for it. Swearing in public is unnecessary and lazy. Definitely it's cultural. Your point?
My point was I thought you were referring to his accent, not his cussing, and I tend to take issue with people who think RP is correct and everyone else is wrong. I agree he could ease up on the swearing. I blame that daffodil Ramsay.xx(

rich p

ridiculous old lush
[quote name='swee'pea99']people who think RP is correct and everyone else is wrong. .:wacko:[/QUOTE]

I am?;)

I admire JO for trying when he could just sit on his wealthy arse and make cookery progs. I queue up at the Coop every lunchtime seeing what crap the kids from the local 6th form college and the twats from the local offices eat for lunch. A packet of crisps, a can of coke and a Mars bar seems to be the luncheon of choice.
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