User;41701][quote=Tinkstheminks said:
He's not weaned yet and he swiped a chunk of chicken...
I tried to take it off him and he went absolutely mad!!
~Spitting, growling, claws out... the works!!
It was like funny but I'm actually nursing about 30 DEEP cuts and bites!!
Any suggestions on how to get him out of this habit?
I've NEVER had a viscous cat before
I've heard that drowning works wonders.....
*Ducks and runs for cover*[/quote]
515mm said:
It does work. The water should be warm, however........
(''no, really, I love our cats sweetheart, really I do.'')
Hmm. Cats are amazing creatures.
My mother was gifted a beautiful Lilac Burmese cat for her 40th ( I was 20 and working my way through Uni) saturday while I was at work they could not find the cat. She was quite a wee dainty thing and the local moggies would have had her for breakfast so she was kept largely indoors. Mother checked my room upstairs and everywhere on the ground cat! They were in the midst of doing the laundry at the time and my father said "have you checked the washing maching", to which she replied "of course I have checked the washing maching, do you honestly think I would switch the thing on if the cat was in there!"
Well, he decided to check again and there, lo and behold was Leah going round and around at the start of the the soapy bit of the cycle!!!!!!!!!!!!!
It was one of those Hoover Logik things that uses less water (thank god) and after much worry and prising the door open with a knife...switched off of course....they finally managed to get the cat out! Dad says he had to keep switching it on every now and again as she would slip under the water and the only way to get her air was to rotate the drum! Poor beggar.
Anyways, I came home from work and they sat me down " Jen we have some bad news" I thought someone had died, the cat was sitting in her usual spot by the fire...when he told me what had happened I burst into fits of giggles and mother (bless her) burst into tears! I was first year medic at the time and doing a spot of physiology noted that perhaps the cat wasnt the best...lips unusually blue and rapid breathing using acessory muscles etc. Apparently Persil is a bit caustic to the old lung tissue! So took cat to vet and it spent a few nights in "hospital" and then released home...the cleanest pussy in Aberdeen (no jokes please).
8 Lives left, still goes in the machine (never on) and is 14 and very very fat!!!!!
Cats .... intelligent but they never learn!