Its the loneliness thats the killer...

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People are judgemental buggers - 'cept ive been on the 'other side of the fence' for so long now, that I always see both sides now whomever i'm with whether that be myself or company - whatevers said.


Über Member
yenrod said:
People are judgemental buggers - 'cept ive been on the 'other side of the fence' for so long now, that I always see both sides now whomever i'm with whether that be myself or company - whatevers said.

It breaks my heart to think of you crying yourself to sleep through loneliness every night Yens. :angry:


Puzzle game procrastinator!
I did a little calculation a couple of weeks ago; the result really shook me. I spend 7 weeks out of 8 in Yorkshire, and 1 week in 8 visiting my family in the midlands. There are 168 hours in a week and during my 'Yorkshire weeks' I've been averaging about 161 hours a week indoors by myself! 6 of the remaining 7 hours are spent riding my bike (alone) and the remaining hour is spent walking to/from the local shops/market and buying food, perhaps being treated to a short conversation with a shop assistant or market stall holder.

I'm beginning to think that this maybe isn't the best way to live. I'm really not looking forward to the coming winter... :rolleyes:

As for the lonely at weddings thing - my sister's wedding reception was very difficult for me a few years back. Everyone else seemed really happy but I just felt isolated. I was always a party pooper when I was young, but I'm getting worse as I get older.

Ahem - sorry, about that! It isn't all gloom and doom - I really enjoyed watching the World Road Race Championships over the last few days. The tour of Lombardy is coming up - I always enjoy that one too.

That's enough of that - I'd better try and get some work done now.
ColinJ I also lead a very solitary life. My partner is away most of the time, and my job means that I work alone too. Having said that I always cycle with friends and see people regularly socially. It works OK most of the time but there are days (such as today) where i really don't want to be alone but have no choice. Being solitary is fine as long as you have a choice over it! Most of all I just wish I was with my partner more as I really miss him...I feel like I'm only living half of my life...


back and brave
The great thing about living alone, or a solo existence, is that the choice is yours as to when you socialise. You can almost pick and choose when to 'take part'. The converse is not true and those that live cheek-by-jowl with others often find peace and quiet difficult to find. Or worse still, don't like being alone. I know some social folk who cannot handle time on their own and get very bored.


Über Member
yello said:
The great thing about living alone, or a solo existence, is that the choice is yours as to when you socialise. You can almost pick and choose when to 'take part'. The converse is not true and those that live cheek-by-jowl with others often find peace and quiet difficult to find. Or worse still, don't like being alone. I know some social folk who cannot handle time on their own and get very bored.

Very true, I don't particularly like being on my own for extended periods but living in a house with a wife and young child and working in a large open plan office, cycling to work and back through very busy roads too, never really get a moment to myself.
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