It's snowing.

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Married to Night Train
Salford, UK
Crackle said:
Oy! Pack it in, you're gonna break a winder'.

No snow here: very disappointing :sad:. Just some Metoffice backside covering forecasting going on. Not even windy.

Wasn't it Chris Moyles, in his local radio days, who collected some snow from outside and had a snowball fight in a studio? All fine until a snowball went down the back of a mixing desk and shorted the whole lot out...

Re: forecasting, I've heard it said that due to the nature of weather you have a better than 50/50 chance of being right, if you always say the weather will be the same as the day before. In fact, a better probability than if you actually try to forecast it...
Arch said:
Re: forecasting, I've heard it said that due to the nature of weather you have a better than 50/50 chance of being right, if you always say the weather will be the same as the day before. In fact, a better probability than if you actually try to forecast it...

Bit like that Osteopath in America who guaranteed to sex your unborn child or your money back..............................Duh! OK den wur do I signnnn :sad:

(he got struck off and being America, probably sued as well)


Ride It Like You Stole It!
South Manchester
Rubbish ere in Manchester - a few hail storms, some flakes, nothing - all blown hooo and it's weekend when you can enjoy it.....
And finally it did:

Sons 1 and 2 making snowmen outside.
<Dad picks up snow and lobs it at son no.2>
"Dad stop it, you'll hit the snowmen"
<Dad picks up snowball and hefts it at son no.1>
<Dad picks up snowball and......>
<Son No.2's snowball hits dad full in the mush ......gurgling and snorting sounds follow>
<A brief exchange ensues>
<Dad retreats around the house, pursued by sons. Dad unfortunately trips over backwards and is pounced on. Both hands are free so he is able to shovel large amounts of snow into sons faces and make a scrambled escape>
<Sons split up and go around house in opposite directions:mistake>
<Dad encounters son no.2 alone. Both snowballs miss and son no.2 is dumped unceremoniously into small snowbank>
<Dad runs up behind car where son No.1 is building an arsenal. Dad shoves all snow off car roof and buries son no.1>
<forces are re-combined and dad realizes he's out of puff. Caught in no-mans land, dad is bombarded tripped and snow shoved down his neck and back: retires inside, well trounced>


Crackle said:
And finally it did:

Sons 1 and 2 making snowmen outside.
<Dad picks up snow and lobs it at son no.2>
"Dad stop it, you'll hit the snowmen"
<Dad picks up snowball and hefts it at son no.1>
<Dad picks up snowball and......>
<Son No.2's snowball hits dad full in the mush ......gurgling and snorting sounds follow>
<A brief exchange ensues>
<Dad retreats around the house, pursued by sons. Dad unfortunately trips over backwards and is pounced on. Both hands are free so he is able to shovel large amounts of snow into sons faces and make a scrambled escape>
<Sons split up and go around house in opposite directions:mistake>
<Dad encounters son no.2 alone. Both snowballs miss and son no.2 is dumped unceremoniously into small snowbank>
<Dad runs up behind car where son No.1 is building an arsenal. Dad shoves all snow off car roof and buries son no.1>
<forces are re-combined and dad realizes he's out of puff. Caught in no-mans land, dad is bombarded tripped and snow shoved down his neck and back: retires inside, well trounced>



Legendary Member
We had a couple of inches overnight so we went up here for a play about :biggrin:.


By the time we got back down it's mostly gone! Still some on the tops though.
Some more tonight would be nice.


More serious cyclist than Bonj
Was snowing yesterday on my way home from schoool. None of it settled. Woke up this morning and there was a bad frost.
Went out on my bike and on the way up a very steep hill today, it felt like someone had punched me in the nose. Not sure why it felt like this. The wind was very very cold, i had to zip my jacket up all the way. Never felt my face so cold, even when i was canoeing when there was ice.
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