It's kinda like, so awesome, y'know...

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Fab Foodie

hanging-on in quiet desperation ...
Kirton, Devon.
miloat said:
particular (yout) words i hate lush, safe, like and many more.
i recently moved to wiltshire and all the kids in the college i go to dont have an accent i feel ripped off, also chavs have an odd mock cockny which is slightly endearing.
Also vey downt no wear ver shift key is eiver on der computa or dare phown, caps iz 4 heds and looozers. :evil:

Andy in Sig

Vice President in Exile
Noodley said:
not telly, thatcher.

Hmmmm, is today your special day for being incredibly intellectually lazy then, Noodley?


Andy in Sig said:
Hmmmm, is today your special day for being incredibly intellectually lazy then, Noodley?

I did not want my reply to be too challenging for everyone else so kept it brief and to the point :biggrin:
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