Has anyone bought a track pump from Aldi? Mine is broken and i need a new one - are Aldi's OK ?
You did better than me, no change from £60yay, made it to aldi and got 2 pair shorts gloves and t jackets with change from fifty quid!!!!
The Aldi one does what it says on the tin and pumped the tyres up perfect,not sure how accurate the pressure guage isI got a Lidl track pump a couple of years ago and was unimpressed. It was OK on the Schreader vavle but hard work on the Prestas.
I've relegated it to a possible "leave at work if I get a job I can commute to" and bought one from EBC.
Don't do it! I bought a track pump last year, If you can get to 50 psi you are lucky....might go see if scunny's got any track pumps got my bike pump from tesco for about £6 good pump too