I'm not disputing at all what you say and most certainly agree with it to some degree which is why I stated if you want an Italian bike experience buy a Colnago or a frame made by a craftsmen using traditional methods.
Personally I dislike companies such as Pinerello who ride on the back of craftsmen and pretend they are something special, something exotic which is far from the case.
The frame set for the s-works allez team edition was manufactured solely in the US if your interested and the result was well overpriced IMHO
Personally I could not care where my bikes or components came from but
am of the opinion that mass produced stuff sold by Italy of decent quality is usually made by someone else.
It took VAG to recloth a Audi R8 to make a decent and reliable Lamborghini. Ducatti is no longer owned by an Italian company.
Italian cycling history and bespoke craftsmanship exists in specialist builders and these bikes should be cherished as a thing of beauty like any bike lovingly built by a craftsmen from any nation, but to suggest a bike should be treated different or that its a terrible thing to use certain components based on where it came from I find really strange and slightly amusing.
Not every bike claimed to originate from Italy is good, heck some are not even that specialized