It looks like it's the end of the line for my cat

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Cheers @Reynard
He's a little bit better tonight,as in he's not breathing heavily or making strange noises.
He's slept solid throughout the day and this evening ,and has had a small amount of food and water.
Toilet wise he's not been for 24 hours.
I'm at a bit of a dilemma as to what to do tomorrow if there's no change, because I've got to go to work and leaving him locked in the house might send him loopy ( always been an outdoor cat)
This afternoon he came across to me and sat on my knee for 30 minutes before going back to his usual spot.
A quick question to anybody who knows, how long does it take antibiotics to kick in.Are we talking hours or days
All the very best
If he's feeling grotty, he'll probably be happiest sleeping it off in a warm spot.

Antibiotics - how long's a piece of string. It can sometimes depend on the type given.


I like steel bikes and I cannot lie..
That'll be a she, as torties are, barring some ridiculously rare exceptions, almost exclusively female.

I am also allergic to cats. I just tank up on antihistamines. (although I do actually take them for another unrelated issue as well)

Thanks and yes; I'd read similar about their gender.

Unfortunately while antihistamines help many of my allergic-to-everything symptoms I still have severe reactions to most animals so sadly it's a non starter. Tbh I'm not really fussed about cats - I like the somewhat distant but symbiotic relationship we have with this one... it would be nice to stroke it occasionally were circumstances different but I'm not really keen on the relationship dynamic they usually end up commanding.

On the other hand I'd love a dog, but unfortunately my personal circumstances amplify pretty much all of the downsides of ownership :sad:

Accy cyclist

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Cheers @Reynard
He's a little bit better tonight,as in he's not breathing heavily or making strange noises.
He's slept solid throughout the day and this evening ,and has had a small amount of food and water.
Toilet wise he's not been for 24 hours.
I'm at a bit of a dilemma as to what to do tomorrow if there's no change, because I've got to go to work and leaving him locked in the house might send him loopy ( always been an outdoor cat)
This afternoon he came across to me and sat on my knee for 30 minutes before going back to his usual spot.
A quick question to anybody who knows, how long does it take antibiotics to kick in.Are we talking hours or days
All the very best

Good news indeed! So far so good!! :okay:


Hi @Cavalol ,
It's been exactly a week today and I can say it's all good news.
It's taken up until around Thursday until he started to behave like his usual self again.
He's eating properly again and also looks like he's regained a little bit of weight.
Still sleeping more than he normally does but I can tell he's not in any pain or discomfort.
It really surprised me how quickly the weight fell of him and to how quickly he's gained it back in such a short time.
I've been keeping him indoors for as much as practically possible to which he's been happy with.
He's been model patient except for stinking the house out when using the litter tray (enough to make my eyes sting🤣)
It was looking very likely he was poisoned, unintentionally or deliberate I don't no ,but by coincidence this week gone I've noticed a lot of dead squirrels around my area and they don't seem to have any physical injuries to them.
Have they been poisoned and has my cat either eaten the poison layed down or taken a fancy to one of the dead squirrels.
Who knows.
Anyway thanks for asking how he was doing and let's hope he will live to fight a few more years to come
Hi @Cavalol ,
It's been exactly a week today and I can say it's all good news.
It's taken up until around Thursday until he started to behave like his usual self again.
He's eating properly again and also looks like he's regained a little bit of weight.
Still sleeping more than he normally does but I can tell he's not in any pain or discomfort.
It really surprised me how quickly the weight fell of him and to how quickly he's gained it back in such a short time.
I've been keeping him indoors for as much as practically possible to which he's been happy with.
He's been model patient except for stinking the house out when using the litter tray (enough to make my eyes sting🤣)
It was looking very likely he was poisoned, unintentionally or deliberate I don't no ,but by coincidence this week gone I've noticed a lot of dead squirrels around my area and they don't seem to have any physical injuries to them.
Have they been poisoned and has my cat either eaten the poison layed down or taken a fancy to one of the dead squirrels.
Who knows.
Anyway thanks for asking how he was doing and let's hope he will live to fight a few more years to come

Great news!
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