mondobongo said:
Never ceased to be amazed by the crazy things people will do to try and dodge 3 points and a £60 fine. Have they never heard of perverting the cause of justice and that you normally go to prison for it.
Watching Traffic Cops on BBC1 the other night, there was an Italian chap who'd parked right on a corner, on the zigzags of a zebra crossing. When the cops had a word and went to summons him, he gave a false name, and that lead to them having him recorded as not insured for the vehicle. Long and convoluted questioning later, it turned out he had an Italian licence, and a British driver number purely to record the points he already had for speeding. If he'd just taken it on the chin in the first place, he'd have been on his way with a summons - whereas once they knew about additional points etc taking him over limit, they seized his van on the spot... But he just had to try and deceive them...