Didn't do us no harm missus.If anyone ever complains to me about having to go through "All that safe-guarding nonsense" for activities involving children, or vulnerable adults I'll show them this thread.
Didn't do us no harm missus.
Well actually it did do quite a few of us, quite a lot of harm..
The effects are still with many people even now.
Thankfully , times have changed a bit![]()
I think a lot of people who turn round and say, "didn't do us no harm", were actually harmed by the experiences but haven't realized it.
Ironic whooshes pass by many it seems.
We had a Glaswegian teacher that no body messed about, I recall him telling one lad off who said he was off to get his dad, only to be told go fetch him, I’ll throw him down these steps head first and you’ll follow him, the thing was he genuinely meant it and was quite capable of fulfilling this promise
Nobody is seriously saying it is/was acceptable. People are recounting experiences because the thread title is "It's a different world now". We went through all that and as a result, I believe things are better now because of it. It was already changing in the early 80s - note my recollection of a teacher crying after administering corporal punishment. Corporal punishment was banned shortly afterwards and schools have progressively developed anti-violence policies ever since. I am pleased that my grandchildren are far less likely to be beaten and abused at school than I was.
Threads like these highlight progress, they're not about celebrating backwardness.
We had Miss Dell, the PE teacher. Most were convinced that she was not born female. Trans rights not being a thing in the 70s. She was flat chested and had an Adams Apple, not that well covered by a neckerchief. Possibly some sort of goitre, looking back and trying to be vaguely generous. Scary, scary woman. I used to dash through those showers faster than I ever ran on the track. Fear mostly. She would stare at the bigger breasted girls and do ‘bra checks’ randomly, to ensure proper coverage.This happened in the girls at our school (by the female PE teacher) - she was later found out - just got brushed under the shower tiles at the time... I've got a shool re-union at the weekend with about 20-30 of us..and the ladies all remember this.