We got back to East Cowes by about 4:25 - 2 hours quicker than three years ago, and in considerably better shape. And much, much better shape than last year, where we took the short cut half-way round. Then we spent a few minutes answering questions from the bike geeks on the stand, and crawled very slowly up the hill to the B&B at the top.
The lighter tandem helped a lot, although it doesn't hold the road quite as well as the heavier one - and is not as good at smoothing out the often abysmal road surface. And I'm not quite as confident as I might be at letting the brakes work (and we're carrying quite a lot of excess weight), so some of the downhills were a little more exciting than they might have been. It's not really tandem-friendly - too twisty, the hills are too steep and there's almost no decently flat bit of road to let the legs unstretch. Is it too much to ask to find a friendlier route through the middle of Cowes? Apart from the enormous residential down and up (not enough down, too much up) it's highly ...err... technical.
One fingers-crossed moment - we got to Alverstone (?) bridge shortly after a rider from Bognor had been involved in an incident. The police were on the scene very quickly, and the ambulance siren was audible a few minutes later. The local press are reporting that he is not thought to have been seriously injured.
And a number of why did you do that? moments - some lousy road-reading, some thoughtless pulling out, and some groups stopping for a breather at the top of a hill oblivious to the fact they'd just overtaken a tandem which might want to come through...
Overall, though, a grand day out - the weather was friendly, the views spectacular, the drivers mainly accommodating, and the western end of the island is very pretty. We pottered round Osborne House this morning (appalling taste those royals had) and came home this afternoon.
Some random recollections:
The yellow tandem we overtook several times saying "we'll beat you downhill" - and they did.
The young (?8-year-old) tail we acquired going up Niton down who rolled into Yarmouth school just as we were leaving.
The loons on the fixies, including the chap dressed as a pirate (why?)
The huge variety of participants - a lot of people of both sexes just out for a good time or a challenge, as well as the speedy men in club kit brigade.
The young man on the kick-bike receding into the middle distance along with the solo bikes as we were climbing up the nasty long cliff on the first residential street in Cowes.
Being held up by cows just outside Cowes.
Wondering why the hill down to Blackgang Chine hadn't been resurfaced.
The glorious lanes leading down to the Military Road.
The Military Road ablaze with gorse.