My avatar
is a picture of me, but it is an old picture taken in 2006 when I was a fit 50.
By the time I started organising CycleChat forum rides a few years later I was no longer slim and fit. Most CycleChatters who met me probably noticed the changes but didn't say anything, whereas
@I like Skol looked me up and down and said "
Oh, you don't look fat in your photo"!
I've lost the surplus weight and am getting fitter again, but 9 years and a couple of bouts of severe illness have taken their toll. My hair is now thinning and receding, and what is left is rapidly turning grey.
I'll update the avatar after my 60th birthday in January. It will be something like this ...
However, in the new photo I will probably choose not to scowl and will avoid having sunblock-whitened whiskers!