Harder than Ronnie Pickering
- Location
- Meanwood, Leeds
Kathy said:Hello,
I've just decided to ride from John oGroats to Lands End next summer to raise money for a charity and I've been looking for a bike. It's been 30 years since I last rode a bike and I know absolutely nothing about them. I also have very little money to spend on this adventure so I'm looking for something seconhand. I found this
on ebay and would like to ask your advise as to whether or not this is a good buy and also what questions I should ask the seller.
The bike seems to be decent value for money. The frame is made of decent tubing and has a decent gear/brake set up which is new-ish.
The postal charge seems a tad high. I paid £25 to have a bike sent up from London.
See if the seller will include the panniers.
Now that you have decided to do a 1000 mile ride, have you considered what you are going to do to build up your fitness and stamina?.
Daily rides?
Weekend tours?
I got away with 40 miles per week for a couple of months, a couple of weekend tours and four Audax rides ranging from 100km to 200km just before setting off.
Have you thought about the type of ride i.e.
- Camping or hostels/B&B?
- Unsupported on your own or with an accompanying support vehicle?
- Daily mileage?
- Rest days?
- Route?
- When exactly you aim to do the ride
- If you have a limited budget then camping is the cheapest option if you already have the camping gear.
- If you are doing it solo and getting to and from the extremities by train, book well in advance to get the cheapest fares. I manged to get my tickets for under £70. Booking in advance for John O'Groats is essential - there's limited capacity between Inverness and Thurso/Wick though there is a van service to supplement the two bikes per train capacity.
- Navigation? You or the support?
Go for it but don't forget to get the miles in first.