You are actually so wrong I feel sorry for you. Protein is the building block of all muscle fibre. Exercise tears these fibres. The issue is actually the sport undertaken as cycling isn't a major promoter of muscular hypertrophy.
So actually - protein (regardless of source) will contribute to muscle fibre repair or indeed growth (therefore legs) but it depends how you train them.,
Well done. You've missed the point though. (This is a recurring problem). The OP was talking about protein powders. (How you can recommend MyProtein I don't know. Their customer service is about as bad as it gets). There is absolutely no need for Joe Bloggs to use supplements. Whole foods are all that is needed.
Protein is not a PED. Strange that you mention steroids do work though.
Who said that protein is a PED? I said that steroids are.
So steroids don't work then? Amazing.
Much like telling people that steroids do work.
They do. What on earth are you wittering on about?
Not sure where you get the idea that amateurs don't work extemely hard either.
Again, who said that? Certainly not me. Are you reading the same thread or are you just disagreeing for the sake of it?
Per g of protein, solid foods are not cheaper.
Unbelievable. Yes you are correct but if you'd bothered to actually read what I said, you'd have known that I was talking about all nutrients. I specifically stated.
Once again, what marketing machine? Who are you to decide what people do with their diets?
I don't care what people do. I object to the marketing/advertising departments of sports nutrition companies giving out false information just to sell their products.