Is taking protein shakes ok before and after a long bike ride??

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Someone who is only riding 16-20 miles a few times a week should not need protein supplements!

If you're training HARD (intervals, etc.) and/or racing and you want all the help that you can get to recover so you can train HARD again the next day, then a protein shake MIGHT help.

I can't believe anyone would say that protein shakes will make any difference for a recreational cyclist who rides less than 100 miles a week.


Well-Known Member
Hint: Don't post rude replies and your posts won't be rudely deleted or edited!! :thumbsup:

Oh I get it. It's a clique thing.

One of your "friends" can be rude and offensive, but I can't.

Just telling it like it is. If your "friend" acts like a dick, he's going to get called a dick. But I guess I haven't made enough posts to have earned the right to say it yet.

I didn't realise it was that type of forum. My bad.


105% knowledge on 105
This is first time I have seen anyone called a dick on here. You may call your friends dicks, but you need familiarity before throwing insults around with anyone. And not over protein shakes .


I didn't realise it was that type of forum. My bad.

It isn't. It's the sort of forum where calling someone a dick is not considered a reasonable reply.

Use knowledge, experience and reasoned counter-argument if you disagree with someone, not personal insults.


P.S. Use the 'Report' link if you feel something needs addressing by the moderator team.


Rainbows aren't just for world champions
Northern Ireland
Even with a half dose I notice the tingling... It's a little disconcerting.
I knew you would recognise that. It's the effect of the beta-alanine which buffers lactate buildup. In gym environments that can equal substantially more reps in the set.

If you're curious enough - have a quick google of the ingredients list. End of the day if you like it you're going to buy it regardless - although I'm not by any means trying to convince you otherwise.


Rainbows aren't just for world champions
Northern Ireland
And hypocritical at that.
Not at all. The post you quoted refers to two different things.

Who are you to say what someone can or can't spend their money on.
I didn't, I suggested that a greater quantity could be purchased for much less.

I detect a moderator intervention. Amazing as I've been perfectly civil unlike others ;)


Part time Anorak
West Yorkshire
Experiment to see what works for you, I take powders and pills especially if I am cycling long distances so I don't cramp. What I take works for me and get me through a physcial job let alone cycling. A very good diet helps as well ie, plenty of veg and fruit.
The suppliments I take are

Dextrose monohydrate
creatine monohydrate
vit C powder
whey protien (natural)
B12 (methylocobalamin)
vit D
and my own Ginger, Cumin and Corriander capsules.

I have not had flu or a bad cold in nearly 10yrs with suplimentation and can spike my drinks with some of the above for the hills....


Well-Known Member
Go on then, I'll bite as it's late and I'm bored.
You are actually so wrong I feel sorry for you. Protein is the building block of all muscle fibre. Exercise tears these fibres. The issue is actually the sport undertaken as cycling isn't a major promoter of muscular hypertrophy.

So actually - protein (regardless of source) will contribute to muscle fibre repair or indeed growth (therefore legs) but it depends how you train them.,

Well done. You've missed the point though. (This is a recurring problem). The OP was talking about protein powders. (How you can recommend MyProtein I don't know. Their customer service is about as bad as it gets). There is absolutely no need for Joe Bloggs to use supplements. Whole foods are all that is needed.

Protein is not a PED. Strange that you mention steroids do work though.

Who said that protein is a PED? I said that steroids are.
So steroids don't work then? Amazing.

Much like telling people that steroids do work.
They do. What on earth are you wittering on about?

Not sure where you get the idea that amateurs don't work extemely hard either.
Again, who said that? Certainly not me. Are you reading the same thread or are you just disagreeing for the sake of it?

Per g of protein, solid foods are not cheaper.
Unbelievable. Yes you are correct but if you'd bothered to actually read what I said, you'd have known that I was talking about all nutrients. I specifically stated.

Once again, what marketing machine? Who are you to decide what people do with their diets?
I don't care what people do. I object to the marketing/advertising departments of sports nutrition companies giving out false information just to sell their products.


Very grown up Richard.


Well-Known Member
I detect a moderator intervention. Amazing as I've been perfectly civil unlike others ;)

Wow. You came to that conclusion on your own?

Even though it clearly states from a Mod that my post has been edited?

Literally ROFL


I'm similar to bicylos for my 100 mile rides.

In that I often use a Vitamin C tab to flavour my water.
However I take it with a pinch of salt and lots of food on my 100 mile+ rides.

I'm also of the conclusion that the need for recovery food can be avoided by proper nutrition on the actual ride.


Senior Member
Bacon, sausage, eggs and beans on toast.

A £40 tub of powder comes to just over £1 per portion; and that's where it scores.
With Crusha, it also makes a decent 'Instant whip' or 'Angel delight' for afters.


Can't spell, Can't Punctuate....Sue Me
Bacon, sausage, eggs and beans on toast.

A £40 tub of powder comes to just over £1 per portion; and that's where it scores.
With Crusha, it also makes a decent 'Instant whip' or 'Angel delight' for afters.
crusha is foul - bacon, sausage, eggs and beans on toast sounds lovely though

hungry now :hungry:


"A £40 tub of powder comes to just over £1 per portion"

Am sure a bowl of gruel can be had for 5p
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