Is it really that uncool to have a bell.......

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Well-Known Member
just bought a cheap bell from tesco, as had a pedestrian step out in front of me, and telling him to watch the road felt a bit rude, I think a bell would avoid that, don't care about being cool as I'm not on fashion parade


Corn Fed Hick...
...on the slake
John the Monkey said:
I once shouted "Have a care, sir!" at a student who wandered in to my path (I'd seen it coming a mile off & slowed in preparation).

Sometimes you only get time for an "oi!" though.

That's lovely - how about 'I say, you there young fellow me lad' or 'what ho old fruit, jolly along if it's not too much trouble'

I managed an 'oi' and two fingers the other day but think I should have tried harder now.


Nr Cambridge
I've disposed of the bell on my Marin as it was never used due to not riding it in town, but I keep one on my fixie. The thing is though most of the times I use it I get objected at :blush:.


Somerset UK
I use a towpath very regularly, and I find that a polite ding ding brings the best response when approaching from behind.

It's also good approaching bridges.

I don't care whether it's cool or not.

Totally agree. A pleasant "thank you" when people react stops most adverse reactions.


Well-Known Member
If you do a lot of riding on shared-use paths a bell is useful. Hearty cries of "ding-ding" work well too though.

I have to admit I could never bring myself to put a bell on the carbon road bike. It just seems so wrong, and in any case as HLaB points out the Campag freehub sounds like a swarm of angry bees so people tend to move.



I have taken to using "watch yeself mate" in a friendly manner, which usually doesn't provoke bad responses, funnily enough haven't actually come across any women that I've had to use my voice to alert (don't even dare "fnarr" at that), but possibly 'miss' in place of mate, to really sound saaf lunduhn loik.


New Member
West Lothian
I have a bell (proper one not a silly ting one, one of the first things I changed when I got my new bike) on mine. Tend to start by coughing as I come up behind someone and if that does not work then I use the bell. Only use it on the cycle paths and think that if i was just on the roads I would not be that bothered about having one.


Well-Known Member
Have a bell on my bike, as I am quite often on a towpath, so have to warn the headless chickens, I mean pedestrians, that I am approaching, as well as when approaching bridges! I usually give quick ring in plenty of time, then if no action, another, and if at that point I get no reaction I either shout, slam on the brakes or stand up and accelerate past as fast as possible!

betty swollocks

large member
I have a pinger bell, but prefer not to use it.
My experience is is that when you sound it coming up behind a walker, they invariably move aside in the direction I was planning to go past them. I did not want them to move aside, but merely wished to advise them of my presence.


Cycling in the sun
andyfromotley said:
I dont have one but i am about to put one on my commuter this weekend. Mainly this is because i have failed to find away of shouting at pedestrians which doesn't sound rude or aggressive.

I think they probably are uncool but hey i find that quite appealing.

I say good morning .... or what ever the appropriate greeting for that time of day is.
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