Is it me or are they a funny lot in the commuting section

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Reporting mobile use

Is it me or are they a funny lot in the commuting section as I get the feeling that they want to hang me up by my goolies for posting my views . I basically said that i think they are over zealous in reporting every person they film , using a mobile while driving and that I wouldn't grass my mum up for doing it ( I would have a word with her ) Also they seem to have the view that driving and answering the phone when you drive is as bad as drinking ten pints of lager and a few shots.If you read from page 16 back you might get a feel of what I mean,
Feel free to tell me I'm wrong if you think I am.
This doesn't seem to be working out so well here in the good old Mountain Biking and Off Road section. Still, chin up, all is not lost as you could try the Classified section and if you have no joy there perhaps the Stolen Bikes section.


Well-Known Member
That's it I know when I'm beaten I am going to lie down in a darkened room to get over it.
Also I don't think it would be a good idea to buy one of the CycleChat Jerseys with my username on it at the present time.
I will just say I have held a driving licence for 40 years and never had as much as a parking ticket, so all of you just try and enjoy every day and don't be too sensitive about what others say or do just try to lead by example a be a nice person who loves life.
Thanks for the lively debate I must go my head is hurting.

PS before you post them I have heard all the comments about me being an old git.


That's it I know when I'm beaten I am going to lie down in a darkened room to get over it.
Also I don't think it would be a good idea to buy one of the CycleChat Jerseys with my username on it at the present time.
I will just say I have held a driving licence for 40 years and never had as much as a parking ticket, so all of you just try and enjoy every day and don't be too sensitive about what others say or do just try to lead by example a be a nice person who loves life.
Thanks for the lively debate I must go my head is hurting.

PS before you post them I have heard all the comments about me being an old git.

Mid-life crisis?


Evil communist dictator, lover of gerbils & Pope.
Also I don't think it would be a good idea to buy one of the CycleChat Jerseys with my username on it at the present time.
You know, just because people vehemently disagree with you in a discussion on the internet doesn't mean you would come to blows in real life should you meet.

As far as the original question, I am all for "shopping" people using phones whilst driving. My brother (a pedestrian) was almost killed by someone using their phone and driving. (They ran a red light at a pedestrian crossing, so engrossed were they. They weren't an evil monster and they were devastated by what they had done, but the consequences were the same for my brother.

IMO if you are in charge of any vehicle on the road (bicycle included) then you should be fully focused on operating that vehicle. Life's too short and precious to take needless risks.


What’s the point
That's it I know when I'm beaten I am going to lie down in a darkened room to get over it.
Also I don't think it would be a good idea to buy one of the CycleChat Jerseys with my username on it at the present time.
I will just say I have held a driving licence for 40 years and never had as much as a parking ticket, so all of you just try and enjoy every day and don't be too sensitive about what others say or do just try to lead by example a be a nice person who loves life.
Thanks for the lively debate I must go my head is hurting.

PS before you post them I have heard all the comments about me being an old git.

that just means you haven't been caught . doesn't mean you didn't do it :whistle:
Defending the commuting section, as well as possible weekend rides on relatively quieter roads, commuters ride probably on average 9 journeys a week putting up with very heavy traffic carrying a good proportion of people already stressed out headings work or carrying their work stress back home and frequently take it out on or have very low road respect for others - especially cyclists.
Add to this they very frequently use handheld phones knowing it is both illegal and proven as dangerous to do so.
As a regular cycle commuter, I don't as often see how dangerous they are but have many times when driving so if anyone feels they should be grassed up, good for them.

Regarding your opinion that use of a mobile telephone s a lesser crime, they are blatantly in everyones face flouting the law, are fully aware of what they are doing and happy in the knowledge that they will not get a huge fine, lose their license and not be penalised very heavily by their insurance company.
In addition, if a drunk driver causes an accident, it's almost impossible to wriggle out of it, when it's a mobile user, unless here is a witness, video evidence or clear evidence from their mobile records, then they go un- punished in relative terms.

Damn well report them.
I see them regularly. I also see (as we all do from our cycle saddles) drivers in cars either reading or typing text messages.

This is often done on laps, too low for another driver to spot.

I don't report them and I imagine I never will.

For me, it is not a big issue. I realise it is for others and that some people will have a stack of statistics to support their case about how it tears young lives from this mortal coil.

I have a built-in Give-a-Damn-Ometer. Using a hand-held mobile while driving doesn't twitch the needle.

I respect the views of others in this, but that is where I am.


The more you ride, the less your ass will hurt.
Reporting mobile use

Is it me or are they a funny lot in the commuting section as I get the feeling that they want to hang me up by my goolies for posting my views . I basically said that i think they are over zealous in reporting every person they film , using a mobile while driving and that I wouldn't grass my mum up for doing it ( I would have a word with her ) Also they seem to have the view that driving and answering the phone when you drive is as bad as drinking ten pints of lager and a few shots.If you read from page 16 back you might get a feel of what I mean,
Feel free to tell me I'm wrong if you think I am.


at the risk of being sent to the bold corner....

I agree with ye.


The more you ride, the less your ass will hurt.
You a little hard of thinking too?

Not at all.
  • I spend my time on the road observing, assessing and evading obstacles.
  • I have not got the time nor inclination to be perving on the drivers of said obstacles.
  • I cannot afford to be holier than thou (or them) because I have my faults too.
  • I am not a role model or even a good example.
  • I am me.
Not at all.
  • I spend my time on the road observing, assessing and evading obstacles.
  • I have not got the time nor inclination to be perving on the drivers of said obstacles.
  • I cannot afford to be holier than thou (or them) because I have my faults too.
  • I am not a role model or even a good example.
  • I am me.
So yes then.


You know, of course, that 3000+ people are killed on British roads every year and tens of thousands seriously injured in collisions involving automotive carriages. You'll also be aware I'm sure, that vulnerable road users like pedestrians and cyclists are disproportionately affected by this carnage.

Mobile phone use whilst in charge of a motor vehicle is illegal and for good reason, it has the same negative effect on driver's abilities as the consumption of alcohol in excess of the drink/driving limit. But many thousands of driver's still insist on doing it every day - because they are ignorant and/or stupid and/or selfish. They make our roads less save.

Which bit of the above do you have a problem with?

Would you call your mother, father or sibling in if they took a call whilst driving, or would you have a word in their shell, and tell them to get a hands free kit ?

I've seen loads of people taking calls whilst riding cycles. Wouldn't you agree that they need punishing also ?
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