Is it better to keep the bike off the ground?

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Hi there,
I usually use a hoist to lift my bike off the floor in my garage (Aldi special buy!!). I usually find that this helps when I want to clean the bike and chain etc. Got new lights and now the hooks don't really fit with the front light is on. I've been taking the light off but on Monday it didn't click back in properly and flew off over the first bump of the day, smashing into a thousand pieces and leaving me with a very dark and scary cycle!
Just got the new light through the post and am thinking that it might be easier to just leave the lights on. What I'm really getting around to is, are there any other benefits to keeping the bike off the ground other than ease of maintenance???


Über Member
If you have oil patches on the garage floor you need to avoid them as they may affect the tyres! Other than that I see no real benefit at all (unless you're tinkering) :smile:


A Dizzy M.A.B.I.L
My garage is built into a slope so the roof at the bcak is actualy on ground level, discovered last winter that the wall at the bcak laeks when it rains!
I now have one of the Aldi/Lidl hoists & 3 wall brackets to keep our bikes off the floor.. It look tidier, makes getting the bikes out a lot easier & leaves me plenty of floor space for tinkering..And I had the thought that now all my bikes off the ground I could actuly get my car in there too..........
If only it was 6" narrower


For long term storage, it's better to lift them if possible. Sitting on concrete doesn't do the tyres any good and you'll need to keep them up to pressure to stop them developing flat spots and cracking.

Short term, though, there is little benefit.

However, I'd recommend getting two more front lights and another one on the rear too. Not only will it keep you legal if one does fly off but it'll keep you legal if the batteries die, if water gets in, the switches break... etc.

Some CCers (me included) think that having one light at each end on flash and one on constant makes cyclists more easily identifiable and easier to place on the road to other road users.


However, I'd recommend getting two more front lights and another one on the rear too. Not only will it keep you legal if one does fly off but it'll keep you legal if the batteries die, if water gets in, the switches break... etc.

Some CCers (me included) think that having one light at each end on flash and one on constant makes cyclists more easily identifiable and easier to place on the road to other road users.

I hear you...have ordered a cheap second set just in case! Big dent in the wallet now...I guess that'll teach me to check that they're locked in properly!

Instead of using the bars/saddle to lift the bike I use some pipe insulation round the top tube and lift it by that.
You can get the bike higher than if you use the bars, you don't need the clearance for the fittings.


Unnecessary but not unwise. Unless you have hydraulic discs.
I have 8 bikes hanging by the wheels from plastic coated hooks. even the really heavy tourer. I have them alternate ways up, saddle to bars to fit more in [the expensive bikes are in the house - don't ask


Über Member
Exactly TF. Its the only way I could fit 8 across the width of the garage and leave room for me to get out... cos there's 5 more the right way up Just waiting for my youngest son to move out so that I can use his bedroom....
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