Is better, always better?

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Smutmaster General
All hail the King of early special effects... ladies and gentlemen, I give you Ray Harryhausen... a pioneer in his field....


Fnaar said:
All hail the King of early special effects... ladies and gentlemen, I give you Ray Harryhausen... a pioneer in his field....
Ray H's stuff is the biz. Not a patch on what can be achieved these days, but his stuff scared the sh1t out of me when I was a kid watching those Jason/Sinbad films.


Noble and true, with a heart of steel
The TerrorVortex
Arch said:
Gary, I watched 2001 on DVD a few months back at a mate's house (he has a DVD projector, so it was a decent sized 'screen') and we all commented on how you couldn't make that film now. Some of the scenes went on for whole MINUTES!

2001. Best science fiction film ever... The whole bit with spaceships in orbit - and that big space station they dock with. That's so, so deeply cool. "Elite" was born from a desire to do that docking scene on a home computer.
The jump shot from the antelope bone to the spaceships - there has never been a better way of saying "2 million years later..."

*hits YouTube*


nothing in moderation
i loved blake's 7 as a kid, but was unfortunate to see an episode as an adult, which made me realize what a pile of old tosh it was.

most remakes are poor, with the exception of the last 4 series of doctor who, imho.


back and brave
One of the things I dislike about the new Dr Who is the overuse of CGI. Sometimes it really looks pants and done, seemingly, 'because they can'. Give me men in suits (I loved the cybermen!) over millions of flying darleks any day.

But, yeah, I'll own up to grumpy old git as well.


Senior Member
I think CGI can enhance a programme/film but should not be the focus of said item. Don't think the MTV generation will agree with me though.

Yellow Fang

Legendary Member
The first series of Blake's 7 was good. The 2nd series was quite good. Then they lost Blake and the girl and the chap with the chip in his head, and then, one by one, all the others except Avon and that thief character. Then they lost the ship. It steadily deteriorated. It was a mercy killing in the end. If they re-film the original series again that would be good. There weren't enough space battles in it for my liking.


Married to Night Train
Salford, UK
on the road said:
If I remember correctly, they were all blown to smithereens, they can't possibly bring them back, and don't even try ;)

No they weren't, not in the final episode. Blake was the only one we saw fall to the ground bleeding from presumably fatal blaster wounds, all rest went down in slow mo without a mark on them, so could have been victims of stun rays only, and Avon was left standing at the end, hopelessly outnumbered. He grinned, raised his gun he shot Blake with and the credits rolled. So they could still be alive.

Hmm, do I remember that in WAY too much detail?
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