Is anybody NOT watching the Rugby?

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More serious cyclist than Bonj
Penalty goal is 2 points
Try is 5 i think
cant pass the ball farward
if you have the ball your foot cannot touch the lines on the outside
Theres more, but i cant remember them all.

Steve Austin

The Marmalade Kid
you mean there are rules? :biggrin:


More serious cyclist than Bonj
It might not seem it, but yes.
I dont know if grabbing each others genitalia is in the rules, but they seem to do it.


Legendary Member
As Noodley says:sad::biggrin::sad:

Andy in Sig

Vice President in Exile
Noodley said:
Oh Christ no. We're gonna have to endure the "England are great" medya pish. :biggrin:

No, you only get that when the mincing England soccer players win something and that's a tart's game so it doesn't count. You've got to admit that in this tournament the reverse has been true and they've had to work damned hard for every bit of praise they have won.
One week about a half decent rugby team ,may be better than the other fifty one weeks they drool over the rubbish football team.


New Member
Well done to the boys,they have done the country proud by another gutsy performance.Proving me wrong again.They played with pride and passion

Elmer Fudd

Miserable Old Bar Steward
Abitrary said:
Does anybody really understand the rules? I played it at school for years, and never understood a single thing I was doing

All I remember was having my head sat on in muddy puddles by kids in the lower-achieving classes

Most people understand the rules Abitrary, having your head sat on in muddy puddles is not part of the rules, it's a personal thing. Sorry mate.
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