Irn-Bru? Scottish Blethering Thread

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Aye; fill yer boots, racing snakes.
Let me know how you get on. I will admire your efforts on Strava, pint in one hand and fish supper in the other! :cheers:

Just imagine how good that first sup of beer would be after tackling the tak.


If you're feeling brave then you can always try my favourite loop over the Tak....Go up through Kippen, then over the the Crow Rd then onto the Tak..and let me tell you after doing to Crow Rd then onto the Tak they legs will be a mess when you hit the 18% bends...Very sore but worth it

this loop

That's like a TDF stage ffs!



I widnie stop to long in that car park , is where the local doggers go :biggrin:

It's a different kind of riding I'd be doing...


Formerly CC2014
Was it anyone from on here who I spoke to tonight just up from the Carron Bridge?

Stopped to see if I could help someone with a puncture - turns out he had a CO2 thing but didn't know how to use it and the person who stopped (me) didn't know either!

What's the chances!?


Legendary Member
Hopefully back out on the the bike this evening if my flight up from Brimingham is on time. Been down ihere with work since Sunday evening. Getting twitchy, bike withdrawal symptoms even after 3 days


Mrs the_craig was very kind to me this morning, suggesting I head out on my bike and she'd see to the wee one. How very nice. I never thought any more of it and away I went.

About half way round, my mind started to wander and my tummy began to rumble. And at that moment I remembered I bought bacon and rolls - rolls and bacon with brown sauce and a cup of tea après-ride sounded lovely. Then it struck me.

Bosslady wasn't caring about me, she wanted the bacon to herself!

Aye, when I got home, she had the rolls alright and looked very proud of herself. Denied all knowledge of her plot, with a glint in her eye...

Chapeau, wife! Chapeau!
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