I thought you didn't cycle at night anyways? Now I have slept can give a more in detail update.
Was a rush to get through after my plane was delayed, got through and
@edindave was kind enough to meet me at Waverley and guide me down leith walk to the start.
Our group ( which included
@Telemark leading and
@edindave managing the grupetto) set off about 11.30pm, taking us along Portabeloo then Tesco for first stop ( that may not be the right order) . we then went though Mussleburgh, along the same roads that reminded me of my half marathon chaffing, before splitting off and down along some nice back roads. we strolled along at a gentle 11ish miles an hour thoughout, and the only person dropped from our group was me when a pothole sent a biddon flying.this did allow me to speed up a bit to hit a longstanding top speed of 20.3 MPH.
we went along a particular little backroad that despite its pitch blackness, felt like it would be a great daytime ride.
as we went back into Villages, we hit the random teens filled with booze and attempts to scare the group. luckily we passed them all without incident. as we approached the stop,
@Telemark proposed we take a trip thorough dunbar and down to the harbour. few pics taken then we were back on the road to first food stop. Due to my well known fussy eating, I dont partake in much here, but everyone else looked reinvigorated by the meal at 3am, and we were soon up and away as daylight approached.
the sun coming up seemed to lift spirits, and we stopped as we came back along the coast for everyone to take pics. A very nice descent allowed me some speedy runs, and me the challenge of a sprint down a hill, which I claimed comfortably , even though I didnt start until I had ride leaders permission to go in front. this 5:20am effort helped me decide to get train home than cycle back
as we bimbled along, our group swelled as we took in the strays of the other groups that got lost at Gullane(?) Harbour, and made our way back to Leith for breakfast.
everyone seemed to really enjoy it from those I spoke with. even a guy who needed to drop the kids off at the pool really bad decided to cycle by his house to come along to breakfast with us. Recognised a few more faces when the helmets came off, then was time to head up to get the train. as my train wasnt for another half hour, I thought I would do a loop up the mound and around to add some miles......this ended up a panting effort up Market St, where I still placed a respectable 66th place considering I was in a shattered delirium by then.
asked a couple sitting outside boots if they would keep an eye on my bike as I nipped in, got catting on way out and turns out he has started cycling again in his 50s, and has recently cycled up a hill up near Inverness that means his wife is allowing him to buy his N+1. his loss of 3 stones also drove home just how big I am looking in the flikr pics. will lay off the nandos and beer next week I think.
a 5 min doze then requesting a stranger on the train wake me if I was asleep at stirling, and I was off from Stirling home. Think I hit my 17th wind, and hit PB's on a few segments on my way back, one taking ovr 30 secs from a previous record, I got home, showered and had a long nap.
as said earlier, as I chatted I was selling the benefits of being on here, so we may see some newbies appear. Really good ride, and I recommend it to anyone for next year. As long as you dont stop me getting to do it to!