I'm not saying ipods don't all work seamlessly, I'm just saying that they don't work
the way I want them to. For some people (like your family obviously) they're probably the ideal solution, but i'm just saying that, for me, they don't give me enough control.
For instance:
a) say you want to burn off an mp3 cd to listen to in your car. You can't - because you havent' actually GOT any mp3s. itunes presumably has a nice convenient 'burn' button on its user interface, but it only burns
audio cds, i.e. one album per cd, as opposed to 10 albums per cd on an mp3 cd.

Have you ever changed your computer and transferred all your ipod tracks from old to new and come through the experience still regarding ipods and itunes as 'fuss-free'?
c) can you and your family all swap and share tracks with each other?