Fiona N
More seriously, I'd amplify Jimbo's comments about the effects of running. I don't think I ever lost much weight by the process of running (given that I was doing a lot more cycling, in time as well as calories burned, at the same time) but I found that the harder the session, the less likely I was to eat anytime soon afterwards.
I used to run at lunchtimes - usually for about 10km on a hilly circuit which took about 50 mins of fairly comfortable running - and have a sandwich at my desk afterwards. But on the one day a week that I did a measured 5km run with regular 10km road runners (who didn't like my hilly, off-road circuit) we'd warm up with a half circuit of jogging then go flat out round the full 5km in <20 mins (them) or <22 mins (me
) followed by some limping along to cool down. I wouldn't want to look at a sandwich or anything other than a glass of water for about 3 hours after because my stomach always felt so shaken up and vaguely nauseated.
I used to run at lunchtimes - usually for about 10km on a hilly circuit which took about 50 mins of fairly comfortable running - and have a sandwich at my desk afterwards. But on the one day a week that I did a measured 5km run with regular 10km road runners (who didn't like my hilly, off-road circuit) we'd warm up with a half circuit of jogging then go flat out round the full 5km in <20 mins (them) or <22 mins (me