While looking for the mentioned cyclist, I came across this one.
Which seems like the UCI backed the cyclist against complaints from a local organisation and permitted them to carry on cycling. But this seems to counter the above statement. There is one cyclist here with testosterone levels who is healthy and within the mandated limits, and then another who (or whose doctor) claims that testosterone level would make them ill.
Obviously everybody's body is different and what may be healthy levels for one may not be for another. But where do you a draw a line between allowing people to compete, and not having it open to abuse?
It would be nice if a Dr's opinion could be trusted in saying whether an athletes level is safe and normal for them as an individual, and not have to use an arbitrary limit. But as we have seen in the past in many professional sports, there are Drs involved in many doping scandals.
Although this kind of thing shouldn't be happening, I think when professional athletes are involved publicly in these kinds of cases. I believe that it does highlight that these issues are real since most people are very rarely to come across this first hand in their everyday life.