That's fine then.
This is the 486:
This is the near identical 485:
Some 485's just have the word 'Shimano' on the side but most of the OEM ones have the large white circle. There is also a small rectangle on the end of the calliper with either 485 or 486 on it.
I don't know what the difference between them is, it certainly isn't much, but the 486 are better. They have better feel, are stronger and don't squeal at all. The 485 squealed like a pig!
I doubt that you're brakes will improve much over the next month, mine didn't, but that's cool that you'll get new ones. A few teething problems like this are par for the course these days. It's nothing to do with the bike manufacturers, it's the component manufacturers who seem to be pushing the spec at the cost of consistency and reliability.