If I wake up in the night and don't immediately go back to sleep, I will stay awake until ten minutes before my alarm, when I will plunge into a really deep sleep, then wake up feeling rubbish.
To avoid this, if I find I can't get back to sleep, I will get out of bed and go and do something else for a while until I feel sleepy again - have a cup of tea, read a book, watch the telly or similar. This usually is very successful
(especially if, like last night, Mr Radger has managed to put three layers of duvet on me so I wake up panicking that I am actually in a kiln)
To avoid this, if I find I can't get back to sleep, I will get out of bed and go and do something else for a while until I feel sleepy again - have a cup of tea, read a book, watch the telly or similar. This usually is very successful
(especially if, like last night, Mr Radger has managed to put three layers of duvet on me so I wake up panicking that I am actually in a kiln)