Inside Story of Oceangate

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Kilometre nibbler
Going down wasn't the problem. It was coming back up again that was tricky.
Every since a famous military submarine sinking with all hands back in the 50s or 60s, they introduced some of the strictest quality standards for building military submarines. These were so good they got taken up by NASA. They are part of why military submarines are as safe as they are in the west.

Why on earth don't they apply those same standards to civilian submarines. I mean they're technically very complex vehicles to design, with very demanding conditions. Imagine if aerospace sector was allowed to build planes like that! I'd certainly never fly if they did. There should really be a system where you have to prove a class of submarine is safe like planes before use.


Ride It Like You Stole It!
South Manchester
I was surprised how 'not that deep' a military sub can go, but that's where it is with the shape, and you can't scan one from up top at that 'relatively' shallow depth.
Going 'pop' was the issue. Or the opposite on 'pop' ! No scientist but a 'ball' is stronger than a tube and end caps.
Would a full ball have an unstable movement through the water? I mean there's not anything you stop it rotating unless, I think, it's tethered to a line from above.


Ride It Like You Stole It!
South Manchester
Would a full ball have an unstable movement through the water? I mean there's not anything you stop it rotating unless, I think, it's tethered to a line from above.

Ah but the 'human' hab bit is a sphere, the rest is stuck on, doesn't need the resistance. Most deep dive subs have had a sphere/ball for the squishy bits.
Military subs are technically more complex than NASA shuttle and spacecraft. NASA still uses sub quality standards. Civilian subs are not as complex as military ones but still technologically complex. However, AFAIK they don't use the subs safety standards even though you can access them if you wanted to. A flaw in the system?
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