Influencers- help me understand

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Quite dreadful
lost somewhere
I've sometimes wondered if the influencers in Dubai or on the Daily Mail's right hand sidebar are actually wannabe pop stars who can't quite afford an AutoTune. Who cares if they promote useless dross to the gullible? It only becomes a serious problem when they start spouting crap like QAnon.
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this social media stuff is more evil than anything I’ve been involved in
My mum would laugh at the influencers but when young avidly followed all the doings of the Royals
”Remember Judith Chalmers? Good. Well the young haven’t a clue about her. These are their Judith Chalmers”.
Same schtick, different medium. Nothing new under the sun.


Legendary Member
”Remember Judith Chalmers? Good. Well the young haven’t a clue about her. These are their Judith Chalmers”.

Then it made sense to me.
Judith Chalmers was a documentary maker who was famed for making documentaries about holidays, holiday destinations, and travel. She was not, for the most part, involved in sales or direct promotion.

These influencers are sales promotion staff, and the the media should refer to them as such and not glamourise their activities with a trendy title. The products they promote, aside from holidays themselves, could be promoted from a council flat in Sheffield, or the North Pole. It matters not. The fact that they travel to the UAE during a global pandemic that is killing millions just shows how thick, selfish and vacuous they are, and the sheep who follow them so willingly are likely little different in character.

They're freeloading wasters who serve little real purpose in the grand scheme. They're Golgafrinchans that society and the environment can ill afford. I was around before they appeared and I can promise you that you and I will still be around long after they are gone.
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They make money from the weak willed and feeble minded. I would too if I could.
You mean you don't have some clever long-term plan to monetize your vast number of posts Drago?
I was rather looking forward to a range of monogrammed loungewear.

(edit - scrolling back I see that you have beaten me to it)
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Legendary Member
London, UK
Seemingly they make big money making 'entertaining' videos which are simply advert's.
Includes paid promotion.


Legendary Member
My wife's niece is an influencer and even during this lockdown, is making an enviable amount of money and products. She's a good looking girl in her mid 20s and just developed a growing band of followers from her Facebook page initially but now operates on other platforms as well. She now financially supports her husband who is - or will be when normality returns - a personal trainer/coach. When she had her baby, they were inundated with products and offers of appearances and this time last year was given a (approx) £40,000 BMW from a local dealer! Her dad - My BIL was initially as shocked and mystified as us but took early retirement so he can oversee her 'career' which basically consists of posting stuff about her everday life on social media. She's never had what you might call a conventional job.


Not part of the Elite
South Tyneside
Society does seem to be segregating on lines of sensible people who are passionate about making a difference, and the more easily led who just consume what the media feed them
It’s far easier and more lucrative to target the latter group.

Personally, I think it was ever thus. Now, it is simply easier to reach the mass audience of the easily led (ie via TV, Internet) than in earlier times.


My wife's niece is an influencer and even during this lockdown, is making an enviable amount of money and products. She's a good looking girl in her mid 20s and just developed a growing band of followers from her Facebook page initially but now operates on other platforms as well. She now financially supports her husband who is - or will be when normality returns - a personal trainer/coach. When she had her baby, they were inundated with products and offers of appearances and this time last year was given a (approx) £40,000 BMW from a local dealer! Her dad - My BIL was initially as shocked and mystified as us but took early retirement so he can oversee her 'career' which basically consists of posting stuff about her everday life on social media. She's never had what you might call a conventional job.

Makes you wonder about the logic of the BMW. How many people following her are able to go out and buy a £40k BMW?
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