on youtube. learning to be a gent
That's great cheers. I will keep an eye on times. Here's my log of the hill so far. All have been maximal efforts. Bar the last one that prompted this thread.
I guess I'm the only person who really wants to ask Jason/Walter, "What colour is the regimental boat house in Hereford?"
That's great cheers. I will keep an eye on times. Here's my log of the hill so far. All have been maximal efforts. Bar the last one that prompted this thread.
Yes think you are mateI guess I'm the only person who really wants to ask Jason/Walter, "What colour is the regimental boat house in Hereford?"
Good god! A good point finally from You squire i log notable wind on strava as a note as well as equipment changes-what worked+what didnt. and main aim of ride, feeling etc. cheers for the suggestionNote down the wind directions and strength next time
Especially with how much the wind has been changing lately
On a more serious note although the OP's progress is outside the norm it is not completely unusual.
It seems he had been racing before and therefore was trained to a reasonable extent. He then had a long lay off from training but in that time I presume he remained physically very active given his career, particularly his cardiovascular ability. Whilst adaptations can take a lot of effort to trigger in the body actually maintaining them does not.
Therefore when he got back into cycling a lot of his ability (especially CV ability) was still remaining and it is taking a few weeks for S.A.I.D (specific adaptation to imposed demand) to kick in and tap back into that fully.
As for the specific sharp improvement on one ride again that is not an inexplicable phenomenon. I experienced similar thing with weight training where I could go into the gym and smash a P.B out of the blue. Maybe a combination of a lot of things coming together all at one time (properly rested / recovered / strong mental state / fully hydrated and feed / good conditions / sheer luck.)
The question is whether this improvement is repeatable over time and becomes a trend and when the OP plateaus (which he will) whether he can then break that.
New times* diet today (6packets of crisps and 8 cigs.) Not good!
And poor GPSRiding in a group, drafting a vehicle, tailwind?
And poor GPS