I think the exercise part for loosing weight comes from stimulating the metabolism, extra energy used at rest for muscle recovery and other things than the actual calories lost during the workout. Most of the fat will be burned after your workout at rest and during sleep. With sustained effort and depleted glycogen reserves comes the uncontrollable hunger which you'd have to address more carefully. The major key player for loosing weight is what, when and how much you eat.
There's a billion books on the subject but the easiest way to feed yourself is to choose low calorie foods with high nutrient density (mostly vegetables & lean meats and some fruits) and limit the high calorie foods with low nutrient value (grains, sugar, sodas, alcohol etc.). It is all to easy to eat some cake and a soda drink after an sustained ride only to cancel the caloric deficit you worked so hard to obtain. The idea is to get all the nutrients you need to function well (to control hunger) as well as the carbs necessary for the workout and live from your "reserves" when at rest.
There's a billion books on the subject but the easiest way to feed yourself is to choose low calorie foods with high nutrient density (mostly vegetables & lean meats and some fruits) and limit the high calorie foods with low nutrient value (grains, sugar, sodas, alcohol etc.). It is all to easy to eat some cake and a soda drink after an sustained ride only to cancel the caloric deficit you worked so hard to obtain. The idea is to get all the nutrients you need to function well (to control hunger) as well as the carbs necessary for the workout and live from your "reserves" when at rest.