In praise of Rum

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Legendary Member
We "discovered" so to speak white rum on holiday in Cuba where mojitos seemed to be the default drink. White rum, crushed mint leaves, sugar, lime juice and soda water. When made with 3 year old Havana Club white rum it is really really nice as well as a reminder of a memorable holiday in an interesting country with great people. I occasionally have a glass of their 7 year old normal rum too. Both are very reasonably priced in supermarkets. Recently discovered daiquiri cocktails as favoured by Ernest Hemingway, who lived in Cuba. Again Havana Club 3, with a bit of sugar and lime juice; again lovely but more dangerous as it's near rum with a bit of lime.

There was a recent shortage of HC3 so we tried a bottle of supposedly well regarded extra strong Jamaican rum, Wray &Nephew 62%. Even accounting for watering it down bit it still tastes like petrol to me when made into Daiquiri but maybe that's not how it's supposed to be drunk. Have to look up what they do with it in Kingston. I'm hoping there's more to it than holding your nose and taking a swig gritting your teeth just to get hammered as fast as possible.

Also remember Woods Navy rum which I'd have very occasionally in a pub. This is 100% proof in the old system which is around 60% by volume. I remember this actually being quite nice.

None of the above are in the rum-snob category, but I'd suggest you can't go wrong with the Havana Club 3 (white) and 7 (brown) rums, at least at the modestly priced end of things
Salad Dodger

Salad Dodger

Legendary Member
Kent Coast
A friend has just returned from visiting family in Venezuela, and kindly brought me back a present....


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Heavy Metal Fan
To start with, I don't like white rum. I used to drink a lot of dark rum. Woods, if I was feeling flush, but it's something like 52% so easy to overdo it. Lamb's, Pusser's, and good old cheap supermarket own brand. Used to drink it with coke or Dr Pepper.

I've had the spiced rums but don't like them as much as they get sickly quite quickly. But now I've given up booze it's not one of the things I'd go back to. There is also that sugar cane after taste which is also why I went off Bourbon as it became too sweet.


South Wales
Not keen on white rum, but I do like dark rum, and I love a nice spiced rum.

Barti Rum is probably my favourite, not sure how much of that is because it is produced in Wales.


I'm partial to good old "Old Sea Dog" with blackcurrant cordial. It is a habit I picked up from my Dad.

I don't particularly like spiced rums.
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