- Location
- 53.933606, -1.076131
Hazard perception and forward planning are not the same thing I'm afraid.
Ever tried to do a commentary of what you see as you drive, what might happen and how you plan to cope with the different possibilities? It's called commentary driving and -unfortunately - is no longer "required" on IAM tests at least, although many observers use it to ecourage the sort of attention to detail that is needed.
I'm an IAM associate member (means I've passed the test) and I've been assessed by a different firm who my employers use (voluntarily, i.e. I decided it was time for another independent assessment of my driving) two years ago (when I was told that there was no point critiquing me as he normally would, he'd give criticism as if I were trying for advanced instructor level). Soon I'll be looking into ROSPA advanced training (too busy right now). All this because I believe that anyone in charge of potentially lethal machinery has an obligation to be as well qualified as they are capable of being.
Admirable sentiments Sir. If only there were more on the roads with your attitude. Respect.