I got a bike fit done on my current bike recently.
The upshot is, it would appear my current bike may be on the small side!
My own fault really. Never had a fit before I bought the bike. Wish I had as I've now fallen out with the bike a bit now.
During the fit the saddle was raised, exposing quite a bit of seat post which now makes the frame look tiny. The fitter did say the bike fitted perfectly now. I asked if a larger framed model would suit me better to which he replied possibly.
Mrs OTD has gone mental!!! (As would be expected) However she has simmered and suggested I must sell my current bike before looking for anaother to offset the expense!
Trouble is I haven't a clue how much to sell it for. Seen a few Giant Defy Advanced 2's on
eBay for around £1k. Mine is mint as I have OCD when it comes to my bikes.
Would £1000 be a valid price to ask for a mint example?