Sorry for the long post, but I hope at least some of it will be relevant: Between 2004 and 2006 I was getting about 8-12 colds a year and also got the flu most years which always wiped me out for a month. In 2006 I began to deteriorate and developed severe fatigue (which my GP put down to post viral fatigue). I had aching limbs and joints, jaundice and stomach cramping and diarrhoea after most meals and snacks. Of course this affected my cycling and audax events. I got slower and slower. I had no energy – I got the “bonk” every two hours (including when I was at work sitting about at my desk - I had to eat every two hours to combat this). I couldn’t do anything else if I had been cycling (i.e. get out of bed the next day, make a drink, go to work etc). My sleep hours began to increase from 8 to 10 to 12 to 14 and sometimes 15 hours a day.
Eventually, after 18 months, a lot of sick days from work, and many blood tests at the GP, I went to a nutritionist. The stress levels I had been experiencing over the past ten years (divorce, moving house, new relationship, new job, unemployment, relationship breakdown, moving house etc) had depressed my immunity. In one year I moved house 4 times, had two significant relationships/breakdowns and three different jobs. I was also a heavy user of antibiotics due to numerous infections each year. I had a poor diet due to low income and debt (which caused more stress). I based most of my meals on cheap white bread with sugary sauces (i.e. beans on toast – a poor meal choice in nutritional terms, but necessary when you are so skint you literally count up your pennies and two Ps to go to Netto) and on cheap white pasta. All of these factors had lowered my immunity.
Cycling 10,000 miles a year plus (and attempting long audax events) on top of this lowered it further still. The stress of no hot water, heating or washing machine wasn’t great to come home to after a long audax on several occasions either!
The way to break the cycle of stress, illness, fatigue and poor performance and begin to recover is usually to rest. This in itself did not stop my fatigue though. I also had to begin a new diet. I cut out all sugars (including fruit) for a while because the nutritionist’s tests had showed Candida infection in the gut and lack of probiotic activity which was giving me diarrhoea. At the same time I took a good high dose probiotic supplement every day as well as a range of other nutritional supplements and began to reduce my other stress levels. Over time the stress subsided anyway, due to much better circumstances but I can recommend using self-help, stress management techniques as well as avoiding people/not having relationships with people who are causing some or all of your stress. I am now more or less fully recovered but it has taken nearly two years after the initial appointment with the nutritionist. Not everyone needs to see a nutritionist of course but it really is worth taking a GOOD multi vitamin and mineral supplement (unless you can’t due to other medication or are pregnant – check what is safe with the chemist). I used BioCare adult multi which seem to have worked but they are very high dose (200% RDA for some vitamins, so please do check with the chemist first) I would strongly urge you to consider what other stresses you have that could be affecting your immunity - even if the stress was weeks or months ago it can effect you for some time aftewards. Tackling stress, as well as addressing poor diet and boosting vitamin and mineral intake and has made the most difference to me. I eat little bread or pasta now – it usually has so little nutrition in it that a meal based around those items doesn’t benefit me. Instead, I eat a lot more vegetables (half or more of my dinner plate is filled with veg, with a quarter protein and a quarter other such as potatoes in their skins). I also eat more good quality protein than I did previously. Even my hair grows now - It’s longer that I have ever managed to grow it without breaking before! One last thing: On top of the usual hand washing etc, I would recommend you also get the flu jab - it’s really worth avoiding that nasty illness. Many chemists now sell the flu jab. I was lucky to get it on the NHS this year – it is worth asking after the flu clinics have just finished at your GPs as they usually have some left over.
Hope this helps,