I'm the smidsy

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back and brave
Thanks all, I'd prefer to be here than not too!

I don't know what to learn though. I looked, I just didn't see. I wish there was something (like pernod) to blame. I even calculated my weight loss (1.3%) to see if dehydration had been a possible cause for some kind of cognitive failing... it wasn't. I just got it wrong.

I'll try to make an effort to look and look again!


Taking the biscuit
yello said:
In France, turning left.

Ok, let's look at your narrative again;

yello said:
I approached a T junction. Unclip, stop, check right, check left - all clear. Pull out and start to clip in... then see the bonnet of a car to my right - fortunately slowing to a stop and letting me out!

Forgive me if I'm stating the bleedin obvious but I'd say from the above that you needed a final right check(life saver)just before moving off, especially when the left is clear you can get a longer look down the road as you turn.

Still, no harm done and as has been said we've all had moments like this, a momentry lapse that scares the 'bejesus' out of us and slithers a cold tenticle of reality down our backs.:evil:


back and brave
I think normally I would have been looking to the right as I moved out, instead I glanced down to look at my pedal because I missed the clip in first time. It was only as I lifted my head that I saw the cars bonnet. My first shocked thought was 'where'd he come from'!

I'm still stunned that I didn't see him - it was a straight road!
tdr1nka said:
Forgive me if I'm stating the bleedin obvious but I'd say from the above that you needed a final right check(life saver)just before moving off, especially when the left is clear you can get a longer look down the road as you turn.

OK hands up at the back if you can spot the newly qualified cycling instructor..........anyone?


Taking the biscuit
Yes, and thank you Crackle.:biggrin:

Were there cars parked on both side of the road?
It is very easy to miss a car that was stationary and then pulls away when you're not looking.

Also clipping in to push off before you start moving will stop those rolling missed clip moments.

Don't be hard on yourself, you were very lucky the motorist saw you.


back and brave
tdr1nka said:
Also clipping in to push off before you start moving

Sorry, can you explain that?

And, no, no parked cars. A totally empty road... or so I thought!


Taking the biscuit
yello said:
Sorry, can you explain that?

And, no, no parked cars. A totally empty road... or so I thought!

Was your right foot already clipped in and it was the left foot that you had trouble clipping in?
I think I read it as you didn't have either foot clipped in before you pushed off.:ohmy:

I can only think that as you pulled out you crossed into a very similar dimension where there had already been a car approaching and there is another you in that dimension now who could have sworn he saw a car approaching but then just disappeared.:angry:


back and brave
Left foot was already clipped in, the right was the problem.

I think there must have been a rift in the space-time continuum at exact place and time just at the moment I crossed the stop line and, as you say, I was propelled in to an alternative dimension where that car was the only difference. Though my wife seems a little different, I'd better ask her if she's had her hair cut.
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