I'm getting stiff..........

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Cycling Excusiast
harummphh! Don't do GPs. I've got more faith in the Tea thread.
I know how you feel but sadly they are now the gateway to secondary care such as physio.

It sounds like a mix of poor posture and lifting issues. Best try and keep active with the back mobility and if it doesn't sort itself out in a week- swallow whatever misgivings and get a referal from your GP.


pre-talced and mighty
Would it be acceptable to suggest spinning a lower gear to protect your knees on the bike?
when I get on the road bike all my little niggles just evaporate. My knees, back, shoulders, all of me reverts to being 25 years old. That may be a psychological thing, but I think of the bike as a blessing in this respect . I know what you mean about the cadence thing, but in almost fifty years of cycling I've not had an effort-related (as opposed to cleat-related knee problem.


pre-talced and mighty
You were a hard, strong man.
Now be even stronger and seek some medical help :smile:

my friend User10571, of this very parish, suggested that not calling him and asking for help lifting the damn thing was........a mistake. And it was, and I won't do it again.

I've adjusted the chair, made an appointment with the optician and bought some new shoes. The last might not be strictly medicinal, but, hey, as the light of my life has it 'Shoes Cure All'.

Fab Foodie

hanging-on in quiet desperation ...
Kirton, Devon.
With stilton.........
... and ice-cream ....
See a physio. I did for similar problems. I was advised to do stretches 5 times a day. What I do now is to stretch regularly at my desk, it does not take much to keep ligaments mobile. I also use an asda dog chew under my desk, I kick my shoes off and roll it around, the lumpy bits help with sore feet from long runs. I'm basically 'cured' now. I also stretch before getting out of bed in a morning so my legs don't give me greif when I stand up.


harummphh! Don't do GPs. I've got more faith in the Tea thread.

I would advise an appointment in the Tea thread.

Sounds like wear and tear / degeneration of the cartlages in the knees and back excacerbated by heavy lifting.

Correct posture and stylish shoes are important, pilchard soup is optional.

The main thing though is exercise - which is why you feel better on the bike.

TBH I think a GP would prescribe a painkiller and probably refer you to a physio who would recommend exercise.

Paracetamol is very cheap, safe and effective.

I'd take that when needed, keep active, change glasses, do some stretching - just simple back and leg stretches especially before and after a ride and don't lift 120kg blocks of concrete.


Somerset UK
Same age, same problem. Spoke to the doctor about it and he diagnosed "fair wear and tear". Bless him!!
Likewise. He also said if I get it to do some quick warm up and stretching exercises to get everything running again and avoid sprains. (and that was a couple of years ago when I was about the same age). It works.


pre-talced and mighty

well, that's the first time I've ever received advice from a pukka geriatrics bod. Thanks, MM, I feel better already!
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