Also, parents have to fill a form in, saying how many hours you work, and it cant go past a maximum number of hours. Can only do so many hours of work on a school day when there is school, so much on weekends. Should carry a tourch, whistle or other personal attach alarm, spare batteries, hi-vis vest, paper, pen and loads of other stuff. I did get given a leaflet thingy that had to be filled in. Lots of different rules with paper rounds now. There was about 2/3 things mum had to fill in, and that the paper shop had to fill in and be sent off.
Not that anyone really pays much attention to any of it, and bags are still loaded right up. I had a huge amount of weight in one bag the other day, bag was full and the papers were thick. My weekend morning round used to have loads of papers, used to be more then what the trolley could hold, and i had a bag. That wasnt long ago either. My evening round went from 19 to about 13 now, so bags are always light. Unless i have 3 rounds in

Next time i get one of these leaflet thingys, i'll scan it in. Stuff on how to cycle aswell. Might be one on the internet, not sure. I'll have a look around.